Marske Hall

Breeding of running horses at Marske can be
traced to about 1700, when John Hutton [II] is believed to have
acquired his Royal Colt and his Grey Barb. The Grey Barb was
described as one of the Marshall imports (arrived in 1699) and
was said to have been shared with Mr Wilkinson. The earliest
mares are harder to identify, being known mainly from the names
of their sires in pedigrees. A Byerley Turk mare (dam by
Bustler) was bred to both the Royal Colt and the Grey Barb,
establishing branches of family 8 that persist to the present.
Another Byerley Turk mare (her dam a full sister to the Coping
Mare, by the Selaby Turk – Mr Place’s famous white mare which he
had out of Oliver Cromwell’s stud) bred to Hutton’s Grey Barb
produced Bowes. There was also a mare by Blunderbuss (her dam
the Old Thornton Mare, by Place’s White Turk) which was bred to
the Royal Colt; this line produced the earliest significant
winners for the Hutton Stud in Black Chance (1732), Phantom
(1737) and Moorcock (1740).
The Manor of Marske was
purchased by Sir Timothy Hutton (died 1629). From him, it passed
to his son Matthew (1597-1666), and a series named John: John
Hutton [I] (1625-1664); John Hutton [II] (1659-1730/1); John
Hutton [III] (1691-1768); John Hutton [IV] (1730-1782); John
Hutton [V] (1774-1841). After the death of this last John
Hutton, Marske was inherited by a grandson of James Hutton, of
Aldborough, brother of John Hutton [IV].
A description of
Marske was provided when it was offered for sale in 1759:
Whitehall Evening Post or London
Intelligencer (London, England), Tuesday, January 2, 1759; Issue
1996. To be SOLD to the best BIDDER, At the Crown and Anchor
Tavern in the Strand, London, on Monday the 7th Day of May next,
between the Hours of Six and Seven in the Evening, THE Manor of
Marsk, and the Royalties of the Townships of Marsk, Redcar, and
Upleatham, with a Freehold Estate, containing about 4500 Acres
of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Grounds, well watered and wooded,
and all lying contiguous: And also the Rectory and Perpetual
Presentation to the Vicarage of Marsk; All which Premises,
together with the Tythes arising withinn the said Manor, amount
to the yearly Rent of 1655 l and upwards, and are situate in
Cleveland, in the North Riding of the County of York, ten Miles
from Stockton upon Tees, and three Miles from Gisborough. There
are two Capital Houses upon the Estate; one a very large
Mansion-House, with good Gardens, &c the other a very
commodious, modern, genteel, Stone House, with Stables, and
other convenient Outhouses, all new built; Gardens, well stocked
with all Manner of Fruit Trees, Plantations, &c. There are
several Fisheries belonging to the Premises, wherein upwards of
fifty Families are constantly employed, and an Allum Work
commodiously situated for making of Allum, about half a Mile
distant from the Sea. The above Estate is supposed to be capable
of great Improvements, from 1000 Acres of common Field Lands
being, by Virtue of an Act of Parliament, three Years since
divided and inclosed, and the Farms being continued upon ancient
Rents. For Particulars enquire of Mr Winter, in Norfolk-Street,
London; and of Mr Edmund Butler, of Essex Court in the Middle
Temple; or of Mr Smith, of Marsk aforesaid, who will shew the
Marske Dispersal Sale
Item DD/BW/J/1 in the Doncaster Archives is an anonymous
stud book, which internal evidence suggests was kept by or for
Mr James Bland, breeder of Phlegon.
Among the handwritten
items is a printed ad from an unidentified newspaper or
handbill, for a sale of horses “late the Property of John
Hutton, of Marske.” Since one of the horses listed as a 6 year
old is Hutton’s bay mare, Charlotte, by Fitzherod, known to have
raced as a 3 year old in 1779, this ad was most likely published
in late 1782, or early in 1783. It further implies that these
were the horses of John Hutton [IV] of Marske (1730-23 Sep
Leeds Intelligencer -
Tuesday 01 October 1782 The same day [Tuesday last] died at his
seat at Marske, in the North Riding, John Hutton, Esq.
After this date, the “Mr” Hutton breeding and racing horses
seems to have been John’s brother, James Hutton of Aldborough
(1739-1798). It appears that James Hutton conducted these
activities on a much reduced scale, using primarily the stallion
Young Marske (which he also advertised at public stud), two
mares of Hutton bloodlines (Gentle Kitty and her dam the
Dorimond Mare), plus Serina (sister to
Fleacatcher) bred by Mr Douglas. He also advertised in 1793 and
1794 a stallion called Black Prince (late Robertson's
Leviathan); this horse was offered for sale in 1794, so might be
the same as the Black Prince imported to America about 1798.
The list of 30 horses for sale offers a rare glimpse into
the Hutton Stud, which existed for the better part of 100 years.
Some breeding records of this Stud appear to have existed as
late as 1801 when, according to Pick (vol. 1 of his Turf
Register, 1803; p 160), E Geldard copied the pedigree of Marske
(sire of Eclipse). Otherwise, Hutton-bred horses prove
remarkably elusive. By the time of the publication of the
introductory volume of the
General Stud Book in 1791, the stud at Marske was inactive.
Of the many earlier generations of race horses bred there, only
a few had their pedigrees publicized at the time they raced; and
in the Hutton pedigrees that did find their way into GSB, most
of the mares are undated, un-named, and undoubtedly listed with
only partial produce records.
[GSB, unless otherwise
qualified refers to Volume One, 5th edition (1891)].
To be Sold, The following well-bred
HORSES, MARES, and FILLIES, late the Property of JOHN HUTTON, of
Marske, in the North-Riding of the County of York, Esq;
deceased: No. 1. A BAY MARE, by Match'em, aged, with a Bay
Colt-Foal at her Foot, by Marske. Covered by ditto. 2. A Bay
Mare, called Ferrett, aged, got by a Son of Old Cade; Dam by
Regulus, with a Colt-Foal at her Foot, by Marske. Covered by
ditto. 3. A Roan Mare, six Years old, by Sylvio, dam by
Regulus, with a Colt Foal at her Foot, by Marske. Covered by
ditto. 4. A Bay Mare, called Charlotte, by Fitzherod, six
Years old, with a Colt-Foal at her Foot, by Marske. 5. A Bay
Mare, got by Bay-Ranger, aged, Dam, by Regulus, with a
Filly-Foal at her Foot, by Marske. Covered by ditto. 6. A
Chesnut Mare, called Gentle Kitty, by Sylvio, aged, Dam by
Dorrimont, with a Filly-Foal at her Foot, by Marske. Covered by
ditto. 7. A Bay Mare, five Years old, by Arbitrator, Dam by
Old Cade, which was the dam of Stroud's Ranger, with a
Filly-Foal at her Foot, by Marske. 8. A Grey Mare, by a Son
of Old Cade, Dam by Spot, aged, with a Filly-Foal at her Foot,
by Marske. 9. A Chesnut Mare, called Tulip, by Sylvio, aged,
Dam by Wilson's Arabian. Covered by Marske. 10. A Bay Mare,
by Dormouse, aged, Dam by Regulus. Covered by Marske. 11. A
Bay Mare, six Years old, by Chatsworth, Dam by Old Cade. Covered
by Marske. 12. A Grey Mare, called Lardella, aged. Covered by
Marske. 13. A Bay Filly, by Marske, four Years old, Dam by
Old Cade. 14. A Bay Colt, four Years old, by Marske, Dam by
Regulus. 15. A Bay Colt, three Years old, by Marske, Dam by
Old Match'em. 16. A Chesnut Colt, three Years old, by Marske,
Dam by Old Cade, which was the dam of Stroud's Ranger. 17. A
Bay Colt, two Years old, by Marske, dam by Regulus. 18. A
Chesnut Colt, two Years old, by Marske, Dam by Bay Ranger.
19. A Bay Colt, two Years old, by Marske, Dam by Bay Ranger.
20. A Bay Colt, two Years old, by Marske, Dam by Sylvio. 21.
A Chesnut Colt, one Year old, by Fitzherod, Dam by Dormouse.
22. A Bay Filly, two Years old, by Marske, dam by Sylvio. 23.
A Bay Filly, two Years old, by Marske, dam by Old Match'em.
24. A Bay Filly, two Years old, by Marske, Dam by Old Cade.
25. A Roan Filly, two Years old, by Negotiator, out of Lardella.
26. A Bay Filly, one Year old, by Amaranthus, dam by Sylvio.
27. A Grey Filly, one Year old, by Papist, dam by Regulus.
28. A Stallion, called Papist, aged, by Old Match'em, out of a
natural Barb Mare. 29. A Stallion, called Slapdash, aged, by
Lot; Dam by Rib; Grandam by Regulus; his Great Grandam by Old
Crab, which was the Mare called Black-Eyes, was bred by the
noted Mr Routh; Black-Eyes' dam was got by Old Snake; her
Grandam by the Bald Galloway; her Great Grandam by Lord
Carlisle's Turk; her Great Great Grandam by Old Hautboy. 30.
A Stallion, called Valentine, aged, by Chesnut-Ranger, Dam by
Old Cade. ☛ The above Horses may be seen at Marske, near
Richmond; in the County of York.
This list includes 3 stallions, only one of whom (Papist)
had produce listed in the sale (a one year old grey filly). The
main stallion in use, Young Marske, was not included in
the sale: Hutton family correspondence in the North Yorkshire
Archives indicates that Young Marske, although in John
Hutton’s possession, was owned by James Hutton. James advertised
Young Marske beginning in late 1782. He was last
advertised in 1796 and his last definitely dated foal was in
1797, although he lived several more years, his death being
Chester Chronicle -
Friday 07 November 1800 On Tuesday se’nnight died at
Ald-borgh-Hall, near Masham, at the great age of thirty one,
Young Marsk, the sire of so many capital Racers, and the
property of the late James Hutton, Esq. deceased.
As mentioned above, James Hutton was already dead.
Newcastle Courant. / No. 6336. /
Saturday, March 17, 1798. NEWCASTLE, MARCH 17. Died. ... - On
Friday se'nnight, at Aldburgh, near Masham, James Hutton, Esq.
It looks as if the stud continued for a brief period
after James’s death since Mr Hutton’s Gentle Kitty continued to
be bred, having her last foal “by a country stallion” in 1802 at
the age of 28. Mrs Hutton was listed as owner of Smiling
Peggy in 1798 (Pick, 1798 Sportsman & Breeder’s Vade
Mecum). Also, according to Pick (Turf Register,
ii, 1805; p 485) Young Marske died “the property of Mrs
Hutton.” Mrs Hutton died in 1803, bringing to a close the long
line of Thoroughbreds bred by the Hutton family of Marske.
Newcastle Courant. Sat 2 Apr 1803.
Died. The 11th ult at Aldburgh, near Masham, Mrs Hutton, relict
of the late James Hutton, Esq.
There were 12 mares which had foals at foot and/or had been
covered by Young Marske for 1783 foals. Another 4 or 5
mares are mentioned as dams of the young stock, that are not
themselves included in the sales list: these mares were by
Bay Ranger, Old Cade, Regulus, and
No. 1. Bay mare by
Match’em, with a bay colt by [Young] Marske and covered by him
This was probably the 1768 bay mare by Match’em
that Mr Hutton raced 1772-1774. She started 10 times, winning
only once (£50 at Durham in July 1773). This mare is
entered in GSB (first entry in the 1891 edition) as –
MATCHEM MARE, Bred by Mr R SHAFTO, her dam by Tarquin, or
brother to Tarquin – sister to Antelope [by] Young Belgrade –
Scarboro’ Colt – Bartlet’s Childers.
NOTE: it seems
likely that this mare's dam was got by Tarquin. According to
information in Lord Rockingham's records [WWM/R193/34a;
Sheffield Archives], the brothers to Tarquin were Alfred (raced
in Ireland and advertised there in 1760) and Lord Rockingham's
Godolphin Hunter. The Godolphin Hunter, as far as is now known,
was a private stallion in Lord Rockingham's Stud, where he had
known foals from about 1757 to 1763. Tarquin was advertised at
public stud for at least the years 1751-1758. In addition the
only known source to name this mare's dam-sire as "Tarquin's
brother" was Mr Tattersall in two advertisements in 1789 and
1790. Other sources (advertisements for Telemachus and Apollo as
well as pedigrees in Pick's calendars) gave Tarquin. The most
authoritative source must be Sir C Monck, who bought one of this
mare's fillies by Young Marske, and showed the Editor of GSB
(iii, 3d ed, 1855; p 95) a certificate given him at the time of
purchase, naming Tarquin.
This mare’s record should be
revised to include her produce from the sales list, as well as
another colt advertised for sale in 1789 (The Morning Post,
and Daily Advertiser. No. 4957. 16 Feb 1789). The mare
herself was also advertised for sale by Mr Tattersall in 1789
covered by Drone (English Chronicle or Universal Evening
Post, Thursday, October 22, 1789; Issue 1575.) and 1790
covered by Highflyer (English Chronicle or Universal Evening
Post, Thursday, June 17, 1790; Issue 1677.)
1779 b c
by Young Marske (No. 15) … John Hutton, Esq; 1780 b f by
ditto … John Hutton, Esq; (No. 23) [dam of HAMBLETONIAN MARE
(1804)] 1782 b c by ditto (with No. 1) … Sir J Webb 1783 f by
ditto … Sir J Webb [⇒ GSB p 316] 1784 b c Fox Hunter, by
Telemachus … 1786 ch c Apollo, by Eclipse … Sir J Webb
1787 b c Lizard, by Phœnomenon … Sir H Williamson 1791 f by
Highflyer … Mr Tattersall
No. 2.
Ferrett, bay mare by a Son of Old Cade – Regulus, with a colt by
[Young] Marske and covered by him again..
Mr Hutton raced
a (1765) b f, Ferret, by a Brother to Silvio (Tuting &
Fawconer, 1769) 1769-1770; she started 7 times, winning 3 of her
races, and fell lame in October 1770, after winning the first
heat of her last race. Ferret does not have her own
broodmare entry in GSB, but is listed among the produce of her
dam, REGULUS MARE (her dam, by Lord Morton’s Arabian, out of Bay
Ranger’s dam, by Mixbury). It is noted there that Ferret
produced, in 1783, a ch f Silvia, by Y Marske (Mr
Hutton), and, in 1786, a ch c Bolus, by ditto (Mr
Baker). Her known production record should be revised to show
the “colt foal at her foot” at the time of the sale. This 1782
colt appears to have been the 3 year old chesnut colt raced by
“Mr” Hutton (probably James) in 1785 as Smuggler; his
pedigree was given in Weatherby’s 1784 calendar (races to come)
as by Young Marsk, his dam by a son of Old Cade. In 1786 he
raced as Mr Atkinson’s Sharper and Gambler,
and as Mr Richardson’s Sharper winning two of his five
starts. Ferret’s known produce:
1782 ch c Smuggler (aft.
Sharper & Gambler) by Young Marske (with No. 2) … Mr Hutton
1783 ch f Silvia, by ditto … Mr Hutton [⇒ SYLVIA, GSB p 362]
1786 ch c Bolus, by ditto … Mr Baker
No. 3.
[1776] Roan mare, by Silvio – Regulus, with a colt by [Young]
Marske, and covered by him again.
This is probably the
SILVIO MARE of GSB. Her pedigree is given there as by Silvio,
out of Bay Daphne, by Regulus - Brandy Nan, by Sedbury - dam of
Hutton’s Spot. She is shown with 3 daughters, all of whom are
said to have been bred by Mr Hutton, and also have broodmare
entries in GSB. Her produce record in GSB should be amended to
include the colt at her foot at the time of the sale. There is
also an advertisement from the York Herald, 20 Sep 1806
for horses to be sold in the Doncaster Race-Week, which includes
as Lot 4, a 7 year old bay mare, by Ruler, dam by Pontac;
grandam sister to Baron Nile’s dam, by Young Marske; Silvio, out
of Mr Hutton’s Daphne, by Regulus; the mare covered by Delpini.
1780 b f by Young Marske (Baron Nile’s dam) (No. 22) … Mr
Hutton [⇒ YOUNG MARSKE MARE (GSB p 315)] 1781 b f
[Hippolita?], by Amaranthus (No. 26) … Mr Hutton [⇒ AMARANTHUS
MARE (GSB p226)] 1782 c by Young Marske (with No. 3) … Mr
Hutton 1783 f by Young Marske (sister to Baron Nile’s dam)
… f by Pontac … Mr Hutton [⇒ PONTAC MARE (GSB p 343]
1780 YOUNG MARSKE MARE is entered in GSB as a broodmare with 17
foals 1786-1805; since none of these foals are credited to Mr
Hutton she was probably the mare sold at the dispersal of Mr
John Hutton’s horses. The 1781 AMARANTHUS MARE is also
entered in GSB with 7 foals 1788-1802, mostly for Mr T
Hutchinson; she was shot in 1802. The PONTAC MARE appears in
GSB with 4 foals 1798-1804 and the note that she died in 1806;
Mr James Hutton bred Gentle Kitty to Pontac to produce a foal in
1784; perhaps he also bred the SILVIO MARE to Pontac that same
Advertisements for Little David in
Scottish newspapers (Caledonian Mercury, 24 Apr 1800;
Edinburgh Advertiser, 6-9 May 1800) make the claim that
his dam (a Marske mare out of the SILVIO MARE) was also
Suwarrow’s dam. In fact, pedigrees published for Suwarrow
illustrate Mr Weatherby’s concern about “the encreasing evil of
false and inaccurate Pedigrees” (An Introduction to a
General Stud-Book, 1791; Preface).
In 1799 and 1800,
Pick’s calendars (Sportsman & Breeder’s Vade Mecum)
gave Suwarrow’s pedigree as by Star, his dam by Young Marske;
Arbitrator; Bay Ranger. However, since Arbitrator was a
son of Bay Ranger, it seems likely that the Bay Ranger
cross represents some confusion with Arbitrator’s pedigree. In
1800, Pick also identified Suwarrow’s grandam as Mr Hutton’s
Daphne, by Regulus, and in later editions of his calendar,
the Bay Ranger cross was no longer included.
As mentioned
above, the Scottish advertisements, for Little David,
implied that the pedigree of Suwarrow’s dam was by Young Marske;
Silvio; Brandy Nan, by Sedbury; etc. This
perhaps represented some confusion on the part of Little David’s
proprietor, since his dam was closely related to Suwarrow’s dam
– both mares were got by Young Marske, and their dams
were out of Hutton’s Daphne; although the sire of one
dam was Silvio, and of the other Arbitrator.
4. Charlotte, [1776] bay mare, by Fitzherod, with a
colt by [Young] Marske.
Charlotte raced for Mr Hutton
1779-1780 starting 7 times and winning once. In the section of
races to come in Weatherby 1779, it is noted that Charlotte was
“bought of Mr Dawson.” Nothing further is known about this mare,
or her colt by [Young] Marske. Mr Dawson started a colt by
Fitzherod (Dam by Forcet) once in 1790, and paid forfeit for his
3 other engagements.
1782 c by [Young] Marske (with No.
4) …
No. 5. Bay mare, by Bay-Ranger –
Regulus. with a filly by [Young] Marske and covered by him
This appears to be the Bay Ranger mare mentioned
in GSB under her grandam MAB (dam of Silvio and his brother, by
Cade). This Bay Ranger mare is said to have been dam, in 1786,
of St Thomas, by Phlegon. She probably was also dam of No. 19, a
bay colt by [Young] Marske. Her produce record:
1780 b c
by Young Marske (No. 19) … Mr Hutton 1782 f by Young Marske
(with No. 5) … Mr Hutton 1786 br b c St Thomas, by Phlegon …
Sir H G Liddell
There was evidently another Bay Ranger
mare (not offered for sale herself) whose 1780 colt was included
in the sales list (No. 18). Trimmer, a 1780 chesnut colt by
Young Marske was advertised for sale by Messrs Tattersall in
1789 (Morning Post and Daily Advertiser, 1 Jun 1789;
Issue 5037); listed in the 1794 Irish Racing Calendar
(a stallion to cover in 1795) and offered for sale again in 1802
(Morning Post, 8 Jan 1802) as part of the racing stud
of the late James Smith Barry, Esq. His dam’s pedigree was given
as by Bay Ranger; Phantom; dam of old Marske, by Black Legs; Fox
Cub; Coneyskins; Grey Barb; Royal Colt; Byerley Turk mare.
No. 6. Gentle Kitty, chestnut mare by
Sylvio – Dorrimont, with a filly by [Young] Marske and covered
by him again.
Mr Hutton raced a (1774) ch f, Gentle
Kitty, by Silvio (Weatherby 1777) 1777-1779; she started 11
times, winning 4 of her races. She is entered in GSB as a
broodmare and was first included in the edition of 1793, with
her produce through 1789. Her produce record was further amended
in the Supplement of 1800, in the 1803 edition, and the 1891
edition. Since she raced through 1779, she is probably not the
Silvio Mare that was dam of No. 20 (a 2 year old bay colt). Her
produce record in GSB should be slightly amended to include the
[Young] Marske filly “at her foot” at the time of the sale. She
remained in Mr James Hutton’s possession after 1782. Based on
surviving ads, it appears that Mr Hutton was producing to sell
his young stock, rather than for his own use.
Newcastle Chronicle. Saturday,
October 18, 1788. No. 1268. YOUNG MARSK, (Whose Get prove
to be as speedy as those of any Horse in England, and Sire of
many Capital Racers) WILL COVER, the ensuing Season, Forty
Mares, and no more, but the Owner’s, at Aldburgh, near Masham,
Yorkshire, at Twenty Guineas a Mare, and a Guinea the Groom.
Noblemen and Gentlemen who think proper to send their Mares, are
desired to signify the Number of them to Roger Sampson at
Aldburgh, near Masham. All Demand for Covering, Grass, &c
must be paid before the Mares are taken away.—Good Grass and Hay
at Five Shillings a Week, and Corn if ordered. To be SOLD, at
Aldburgh near Masham, Yorkshire, A Chesnut COLT, one Year
old, Very bony, and of good Action, got by
Young Marsk out of Gentle Kitty,
got by Sylvio out of Harlequin Junior’s Dam, and Col.
Radcliffe’s black Colt. Gentle Kitty won a Match at Newmarket
against Pizzarro (latterly called Knight Errant) and three Fifty
Pound Plates, and then got lamed, and was never trained
after.—The Colt Foal is disposed of.—To prevent Trouble, the
Price is two Hundred Guineas.
Newcastle Chronicle,
Saturday, January 11, 1794. No. 1541 TO be SOLD, at Aldburgh,
near Masham, Ripon, and Bedal, BLACK PRINCE, Late Leviathan,
(late the Property of Wm Robertson, Esq.) Part of the Price to
be paid upon Delivery, and the Remainder at Midsummer. He will
also Cover at the same Place, at Three Guineas a Mare, and a
Crown the Groom—a few Country Mares at Two Guineas and a Crown;
the Country Mares to be paid for before Covering.—Black Prince
was got by Mungo, a Son of Old Marsk, out of Dunce`s Dam, which
was got by Match-em—Snap; Oroonoko; Great Grandam Bajazet`s
Sister.—Black Prince, late Leviathan, in 1791 won a Match
against the Duke of Hamilton`s Hercules; and in 1792 a Match
against Mr Baird`s Filly, giving her 3 lb and was matched
against Mr Baker`s Freeholder, for 800gs which Mr John Maugle
much approved, as he thought him a Horse of great Speed; but
unfortunately setting a weak Lad on him, he got the Master of
him, and would not run kindly after, or could have won both
Plates at Alnwick and Hexham. He is Sixteen Hands and a Half
high, and able to carry any Weight a Hunting. The Owner intends
him to cover Gentle Kitty, Zarina, and a Marsk Filly, as his
Blood is as good as any Horse in England.—Good Grass, Hay, and
corn, if ordered. N B Black Prince is very healthy and in high
Condition. To be SOLD at the same Place,
A YEARLING, own Brother to Mr
Radcliffe`s Mouse-Trap, and Mr Garforth`s Trimmer. Also, a very
promising COLT FOAL, own Brother to the above.
GENTLE KITTY, Bred by Mr HUTTON, in 1774, got by Silvio -
Dorimond - Portia, by Regulus - Hutton's Spot - Bay Bolton - Fox
Cub. 1781 b f Hippolita, by
Amaranthus ... Mr Hutchinson 1782 f by Young Marske (with
No. 6) 1784 ch c by Pontac ... Mr Hutton 1786 ch
f Catherine, by Young Marske ... Mr Baker 1787 ch c (cut)
Jack Rapp (aft Mousetrap), by ditto ... Mr Hutton 1788 ch c
Trimmer ( Mr Baird's Sans Culottes), by ditto ... Mr Garforth
1789 b c Hutton, by ditto ... Duke of Hamilton 1791 b c
Tapioca, by ditto ... Mr Clifton 1792 b c Old England, by
ditto ... Mr Boates 1793 ch c Cimon, by ditto ... Mr Lloyd
1794 ch c Conon, by ditto ... Mr Bayley 1795 b f by Young
Marske ... Mr Hutton 1796 ch f by ditto (broke her thigh at 2
yo) ... Mr W Walker 1797 b f Mary, by ditto ... Mr W
Hutchinson 1800 b c Adam, by Constitution ... Mr T Hutchinson
1802 c by a country stallion ... Mr J Hutton
Kitty’s produce record in GSB, should be slightly amended,
adding the filly by Young Marske from the sales list, and
removing Hippolita. Hippolita (raced in 1786 by Mr Hutchinson,
her pedigree given as by Amaranthus, dam by Silvio) was probably
No. 26 in the sales list, and the mare entered in GSB as Mr
Hutchinson’s AMARANTHUS MARE, “Bred by Mr Hutton, foaled in
1781, her dam by Silvio, out of Daphne, by Regulus" (Hippolita's
dam was probably No. 3 from this sales list).
7. [1777] Bay mare by Arbitrator - mare by Cade (dam of
Stroud’s Ranger), with filly by [Young] Marske.
undated ARBITRATOR MARE of GSB had an undated filly by Young
Marske (Suwarrow’s dam); however, the GSB mare’s dam is said to
be Daphne, by Regulus - Brandy Nan, by Sedbury - Starling -
Hutton’s Spot’s dam, by Surley. Unless there was an error in one
of the pedigrees, the Arbitrator mare of the Hutton sale seems
to have escaped entry in GSB. One of these two mares (or another
yet unknown Arbitrator Mare) was dam of two foals by Carabineer:
Mr Cookson’s 1785 roan colt and Sir H G Liddell’s bay filly
(engaged to race in 1789). GSB identifies the Cade Mare (dam of
Stroud’s Ranger) as “Bred by Mr HUTTON, her dam (Beaufremont's
dam) by brother to (Bolton) Fearnought - Miss Wyndham, by
Wyndham - Belgrade Turk - Old Scarboro' Mare.” Which Ranger she
was dam of seems to be in question. The 1803 edition says it was
Mr Stroud’s Ranger, 1761 br c by Ranger, while the 1891 edition
says Ranger was Mr Strode’s 1768 ch c by Hutton’s Chesnut
Ranger. Mr Stroud’s brown Ranger raced 1765-1766, starting 10
times, and winning twice; Mr Strode’s chesnut Ranger raced
1773-1775 winning several of his 15 or more starts.
f by [Young] Marske (with No. 7) …
Her dam’s entry in GSB
should be revised to include the two sales produce out of the
Cade mare, identified as dam of Mr Stroud’s Ranger ❖ CADE
MARE, Bred by Mr HUTTON, her dam (Beaufremont's dam) by brother
to (Bolton) Fearnought - Miss Wyndham, by Wyndham - Belgrade
Turk - Old Scarboro' Mare. 1768 ch c Ranger (Strode's) by
Hutton's Chesnut Ranger ... Mr Hutton 1777 b m by Arbitrator
(No. 7) ... Mr Hutton 1779 ch c by [Young]
Marske (No. 16) ... Mr Hutton 1780 b f Lardella, by Y Marske
... Mr Hutton
f by ditto … Mr Hutton [⇒ GSB p 316*] * This mare is
identified as sister to Lardella, however, her dam is given as a
daughter of Young Cade.
No. 8. Grey
mare, by a Son of Old Cade – Spot, with filly by [Young] Marske.
1782 f by [Young] Marske (with No. 8) … Mr Hutton [⇒ GSB p
This mare appears to be the dam of the YOUNG MARSKE
MARE, the earliest member of family 16 to be entered in GSB
(first entered in the 1891 edition). She may have been a sister
to Pensacola, a horse raced in 1774 by Mr Hutton’s
brother-in-law Mr Pulleine and in 1775 and 1776 by Mr Hutton.
Pensacola was a 1770 ch c, whose pedigree was given in
the York Courant (No. 2544, 12 Jul 1774) as by a
“Brother to Sylvio, out of a Spot Mare.” Mr Pulleine did not
race very often, and it is therefore, of interest that Pick
identified the dam of Mr Hutton’s Navigator (1763 ro
c), Negociator (1764 ro c) and Mercator (1767
ro c) - all sons of Adolphus - as “Mr Pulleine’s old mare” (Turf
Register, i, 1803; p 441). If Mr Pulleine’s “old mare,” was
got by Spot, she was probably foaled between 1742 and 1751
(Hutton’s Spot had definitely dated foals between those years).
And if she were also also Pensacola’s dam, her produce record
might look like:
1763 ro c Navigator, by Adolphus … Mr
Hutton 1764 ro c Negociator, by Adolphus … Mr Hutton 1767
ro c Mercator, by Adolphus … Mr Hutton 1770 ch c Pensacola,
by Brother to Silvio … Mr Hutton
Since Silvio
seems to have taken over stud duties from his brother in 1770
(first advertised that year), the Brother to Silvio mare in the
Hutton sale might be dated at 1768 or 1769. The Brother to
Silvio’s other definitely dated foals were in 1762 and 1765.
Unfortunately no further information has been found to extend
this pedigree. However, MtDNA test results to date (Oct 2012)
support the long-held suspicion that family 16 is actually a
branch of family 8. For one theoretical approach to the
identification of this family, see The British Racehorse,
Summer issue 1979 (Number 2 Volume XXXI); p 158. Cedric Borgnis,
"The Source of the Agnes Family."
No. 9.
Tulip, a Chesnut Mare by Sylvio - Wilson’s Arabian, covered by
[Young] Marske.
Mr Hutton raced a 1772 ch m, Tulip, in
1777; her breeding was not given in the calendars. Tulip may
have been the Silvio mare that was dam of
1780 b c by
[Young] Marske (No. 20) …
Of the 3
Silvio mares listed for sale, the SILVIO MARE of GSB is shown to
have had a filly by Young Marske in 1780, and Gentle Kitty raced
through October 1779, so is unlikely to have been bred for a
1780 foal.
The fact that Tulip’s sire was Mr Hutton's
Silvio, suggests that he may have bred this mare himself.
There are 3 mares by Wilson's Arabian, identified as broodmares
in GSB; none are obviously associated with Mr Hutton, and none
are known to have had a filly by Silvio. If one of these 3 mares
was Tulip’s dam, (3) seems the most likely since she produced
foals for Mr Atkinson and Mr Wentworth, both of whom also raced
Hutton-bred horses.
(1) PRIMROSE, Bred by Mr
HOLMES, in 1754, got by Wilson's Arabian, out of Matchem's dam,
by Partner. 1762 br f by the Northumberland Brown Arabian ...
Duke of Northumberland 1763 b f by Perseus ... Duke of
Northumberland 1766 gr f Belinda, by Bell's Arabian ... Duke
of Northumberland 1767 b c Furioso, by the Northumberland Bay
Arabian ... Duke of Northumberland *1768 b f by Jew ... Duke
of Northumberland (* bred a f by Jolly Roger in 1776) 1769 ch
c by ditto ... Duke of Northumberland 1770 ch c by ditto ...
Duke of Northumberland
(2) 1760 b f by Wilson's
Arabian (dam of Liberty, by Carr's Prince Ferdinand)
... Lord Northumberland / produce of SNIP MARE, foaled in 1748,
her dam by the Godolphin Arabian - Silverlocks, by Bald Galloway
- Akaster Turk.
the Duke of BOLTON, in 1755, her dam by Hutton's Spot - Mogul -
Crab - sister to Sloven, by Bay Bolton. 1759 gr f by Omar ...
Mr Atkinson 1761 ch f by Shakespeare ... Mr Atkinson 1764
gr c by Young Cade ... Mr Atkinson 1766 ch f by Old England
... Mr Atkinson 1767 gr c by a son of Snap ... Mr Atkinson
1768 gr f by Engineer ... Mr Atkinson 1770 g r f by ditto
(dam of a f by Chatsworth) ... Mr Wentworth 1771 gr f by
ditto ... Mr Atkinson
No. 10. Bay mare,
by Dormouse – Regulus, covered by [Young] Marske.
mare is probably the 1763 br f by Hutton’s son of Dormouse
listed in GSB under her dam, VIXEN, by Regulus.
Mr Hutton
was associated with at least two horses called Dormouse;
his (1767) black colt Dormouse raced 1771-1773; this
horse could not have sired a filly in 1763. Mr Hutton also
advertised Dormouse to cover in 1774. It is possible
that this is the same horse which previously belonged to his
kinsman, Mr William Wanley, Esq; of Eyford. This son of Dormouse
was described as a well-bred son of Dormouse, and brother to H R
H the Duke’s Dorimond, bred by the late Lord Chedworth.
He was advertised to cover at Eyford in Gloucestershire from
1758 through 1762 and referred to as Mr Wanley’s Stallion in
1762. After Mr Wanley’s death in 1762, the horse was advertised
to cover near Richmond. This son of Dormouse was a brown bay
horse foaled in 1755, and his dam was by Whitefoot, out of
Silverlocks, by the Bald Galloway. This Dormouse mare was
probably the dam of
1781 ch c by Fitzherod (No.
21) …
No. 11. [1776] Bay mare,
by Chatsworth - Old Cade; covered by [Young] Marske.
mare has not been identified and appears to not have not been
entered in GSB; she was probably the produce of one of Mr
Hutton’s mares by Cade. Since Cade died in 1756, by the time of
the sale, his youngest get would have been 26. Nevertheless, it
looks as if Mr Hutton had one or two Cade mares until as late as
1780. Six of the horses listed for sale were out of a mare or
mare(s) by Cade; the dam of two was identified as also dam of
Stroud’s Ranger.
Produce of the Cade mare NOT identified
as dam of Stroud’s Ranger were
1774 b c Valentine, by
Chesnut Ranger (No. 30) [raced 1778-1780] 1776 b m by
Chatsworth (No. 11) 1778 b f by Young Marske (No. 13) 1780
b f by Young Marske (No. 24)
This mare has not been
identified. Known Cade mares of Hutton bloodlines are: (1) a
mare, dam, in 1753, of Marcellus, by Shock her dam by Hutton’s
Blacklegs; Bay Bolton; Coneyskins; Grey Barb; Byerley Turk;
Bustler (2) a mare, dam, in 1758, of Hazard, by Tartar;
called “sister to Phoenix” her dam by Hutton’s Blacklegs (3)
a bay filly sold in 1754 as a yearling with her dam to Lord
Rockingham her dam Marske’s dam, by Hutton’s Blacklegs; Fox Cub;
Coneyskins; Hutton’s Grey Barb; Hutton’s Royal Colt; Byerley
Turk; Bustler (4) a 1756 bay mare advertised for sale in 1764
by William Crowther, junior at Richmond her dam an own sister to
Hutton’s Careless [by Hutton’s Spot; Fox Cub; Coneyskins;
Hutton’s Grey Barb; Hutton’s Royal Colt; Byerley Turk; Bustler]
(5) a mare, dam, in 1768, of Mr Jolliff’s b c by Chesnut Ranger
and probably his bay or chesnut colt by Hutton’s Ranger (6) a
mare, dam of Stroud’s Ranger, etc her dam Beaufremont's dam by
brother to (Bolton) Fearnought; Miss Wyndham, by Wyndham;
Belgrade Turk; Old Scarboro' Mare.
In addition, Mr Hutton
bred MAB to Cade at least twice producing, in 1754, his Silvio,
as well as the brother to Silvio. He also bred Cademus,
a 1753 bay horse, out of a mare by Fletcher’s Arabian; Fox Cub;
Bay Bolton; Coneyskins; Hutton’s Grey Barb; Byerley Turk;
No. 12. Lardella, a grey mare,
covered by [Young] Marske.
This mare appears to have
started life as the Duke of Bolton’s grey filly “sister to
Cobscar [by Bell’s Arabian].” She ran for him once in 1775,
finishing second of two in a Sweepstakes for 3 years old. She
re-appeared the next year as Mr Pierse’s grey filly Lardella
starting twice for him without winning. In October 1776, she
started twice for Mr Hutton (probably James, since “Lardello”
was included in the list of horses turned over by James to his
brother John in January 1777). In August Mr Hutton’s grey mare
Lardella, by Bell’s Arabian won £50 for 5 year
olds, beating one other. If correctly identified, her dam was
COUNTESS, bred by Lord A BERTIE, in 1760, got by Blank – Rib –
Wynn Arabian – Governor; Countess was also dam of
Delpini. Lardella was dam of
1780 ro f by
Negotiator (No. 25) …
Fillies and Stallions
No. 13.
[1778] Bay filly, by [Young] Marske - Old Cade.
filly appears to have been raced by one or both of the Hutton
4 Sep 1781, Richmond Mr Hutton’s “bay filly by
Young Marsk, out of a Cade mare” (Weatherby 1780) ran 3 of 4 in
a Sweepstakes for 3 year old fillies (Weatherby 1781) 16 Jul
1782, Durham, Mr [James, index] Hutton’s bay filly by Young
Marsk ran 3 of 4 (3rd in both heats) for £50 for 4 year
olds, given by the Members for the County (Weatherby 1782)
No. 14. [1778] Bay colt, four Years old, by
[Young] Marske - Regulus.
Mr James Hutton raced a 1778
bay colt by Young Marsk once in 1782; Mr John Hutton raced
Careless, a 1778 bay colt in 1782, starting 3 times without
winning; he/they may have been the same as the colt offered for
sale, but the dam wasn't identified in either case.
Regulus mares were included in the Hutton sales list. In
addition to No. 14, No. 17 and No. 24 have not been found in
other records, so their dam(s) are unidentified.
No. 17. [1780] Bay colt, by [Young] Marske -
Regulus. No further information.
No. 24.
[1780] Bay filly, by [Young] Marske - Old Cade. No further
No. 27. [1781] Grey filly,
by Papist - Regulus. No further information.
There are 7
Regulus Mares entered in GSB as bred by Mr Hutton:
VIXEN (1753), her dam by Hutton’s Spot - Bay Bolton - Fox Cub -
Coneyskins, etc. She raced for Mr Hutton 1757-1758; her early
foals are credited to Mr Hutton; she became Mr King’s about
(2) Portia (1758), sister to Vixen. She raced for
Mr Hutton 1762-1764, and had her only known foal the DORIMOND
MARE between 1765 and 1770. In a letter dated 17 May 1767, a
cousin of Mr Hutton’s said “I am sorry that you lost a Regulus
mare" (ZAZ81, North Yorkshire Archives); perhaps the mare in
question was Portia.
(3) JULIA (sister to Hutton’s Brisk)
(1759). She raced for Mr Hutton in 1763; and had 2 known foals
for Mr St Leger Douglas in 1776 and 1778.
(4) (Bay)
DAPHNE (1756), her dam Brandy Nan, by Sedbury - Starling - dam
of Hutton’s Spot, etc. Daphne, a bay mare, raced for Mr Hutton
1760-1762, starting 6 times, and winning her first 2 races. GSB
shows her as dam of a mare by Silvio (probably No. 3, foaled
1776) and an undated mare by Arbitrator. She would have been 25
years old by 1781.
(5) Ferret’s dam, her dam by Lord
Morton’s Arabian - Bay Ranger’s dam, by Mixbury, etc. Her known
produce were Ferret in 1765 and the NORTHUMBERLAND ARABIAN MARE
in 1769. Given the relatively early dates of these 2 foals, it
seems unlikely that she was still in the Hutton Stud as late as
(6) Friendly’s dam (out of a sister to
Hutton’s Old Careless, by Hutton’s Spot). This mare was dam of
Friendly in 1768 (given by Mr Hutton to William
Tuffnell Jolliff, according to Pick, Turf Register, ii,
1805), and an undated Engineer Mare (dam of Mr Jolliff’s 1780 ch
c by Herod). Given the relatively early date of Friendly, it
also seems unlikely that this mare was still in the Hutton Stud
(7) Regulus Mare, her dam MAB (1742); this
mare was dam of a Bay Ranger Mare (probably No. 5 of the Hutton
sales list).
Of the known Hutton-bred Regulus mares, it
seems most likely that the 3 foals 1778-1781 were produced by
(Bay) Daphne and/or Mab’s daughter by Regulus.
No. 28. Papist, a Stallion, by Old Match'em, out of a
natural Barb Mare. Papist is entered in GSB, but his pedigree
appears to be in error, where he is shown as 1768 gr c produce
of Lord Orford’s Grey ARABIAN MARE, and got by Snap.
Lord Orford’s Papist, only appeared in the calendars in
1772, when he forfeited a Match race in the September meeting,
Newmarket - no pedigree was given.
In 1774 and 1775
(Fawconer, Weatherby) Mr Shirley raced Papist, [1768] a
grey horse by Match'em, winning the King's 100 Guineas at
Canterbury in July 1774; he also raced in 1776 (as Mr Hanger's),
got by Match'em.
Pick, Turf Register, ii, 1805;
p282: says Papist (gr h, 1768), was bred by the Earl of ORFORD,
and sold to the Hon GEORGE SHIRLEY; got by Match'em, out of an
Arabian Mare. He raced 1774-1775 for Mr Shirley; in 1776 in Mr G
Hanger's name. In 1777, he was a Stallion in Lord Surrey's Stud,
at Greystock, Cumberland: he had 10 mares which produced 9
foals. In 1778, he ran at York as STEADY. In 1779 covered at
Pocklington, Yorkshire. "He covered very few well-bred Mares,
but was sire of several good Hunters and Road Horses."
The confusion may arise from the fact that Lord Orford seems to
have had both a (grey) Arabian mare and a mare he bred himself
by his own Barb, out of the grandam of Firetail); this second
mare was entered in GSB as ORFORD-BARB MARE, and may have been
known in contemporary records simply as a Barb Mare (in an
advertisement in Weatherby 1784, Mr Tattersall had for sale: “22
A Black Mare, got by Snap, out of a Barb Mare, which was the dam
of Piper, Houghton, Conjuror, Spitfire, &c / In foal to
Highflyer.”). Both mares were used as broodmares, and the lists
of their produce have changed somewhat through the various
editions of GSB. Since the sale pedigree of Papist calls his dam
a “natural” Barb Mare, and he was grey, got by a non-grey sire,
it seems likely that his dam was actually the mare entered in
GSB as Lord Orford’s (grey) ARABIAN MARE. Possibly Sir C
Bunbury’s (1769) HUMDRUM, by Matchem, out of an Arabian Mare
(GSB), should also be included as produce of this mare.
No. 29. Slapdash, a Stallion, by Lot - Rib -
Regulus - Black-Eyes, by Old Crab, bred by the noted Mr Routh -
Old Snake - Bald Galloway - Lord Carlisle's Turk - Old Hautboy.
This horse was probably one of the two unnamed colts of Mr
Vernon’s (1769 ch; 1770 gr), produce of the RIB MARE, bred by Mr
STANHOPE, her dam by Regulus, out of Black-eyes, by Crab.
From what has been
gleaned from the sale advertisement, it is clear a number of
animals were not recorded in GSB and produce records were
incomplete. It is unfortunate that the records of the Marske
stud were not submitted for inclusion in GSB. Perhaps the
identity of the sister to Stripling by Hutton's Spot would have
been divulged and the mystery of which maternal family she
belonged to solved.