From the Wentworth
Woodhouse Muniments at Sheffield Archives
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The Wentworth Woodhouse Muniments at
Sheffield Archives (WWM) includes papers of Charles Watson-Wentworth
(1730-1782), the 2nd Marquess of Rockingham. Item WWM/R/193 is
described as "Pedigrees, letters etc about the stud, date:
1751-1760", and consists of 71 numbered items.
Most of these items are pedigrees of Thoroughbreds, many belonging
to Lord Rockingham, and many written by the breeders. This
transcription is taken from a microfilm copy of the collection. It
seems likely that every side of each paper that had writing on it
was filmed. Since the originals are different sizes it is possible
to determine which consecutive images on the microfilm are different
sides of the same document. In many cases, it looks as if Lord
Rockingham labelled the documents on their reverse sides with the
name of the horse the document belonged to.
R193/1 (single side only on microfilm) |
My Ld I am sorry I was not at Home when you sent for the Mare and
the Filly This moment I reciv’d your Ldships Letter
enclosed from my Man who says your Servant wants ‘em to be
Shod. I think ‘tis dangerous to shoe them behind so has
sent word for them only to be shod before I have sent year
old Foals 50 miles unshod and the mare went so to your House
[blot] I hope and believe they will both prove Lucky to
you, I flatter my self you’l let me have the second filly
the mare has instead of the third for I have sold you them
for 80 Guineas less than I could have had for them I cannot
do myself the Pleasure of waiting upon you this week but
will in three weeks or a month / I am yr Ldships
very Humble Sert / Edwd
Leedes / Wednesday 11 night |
R193/2 (single side
only on microfilm) |
Grey Mare got by Badger
^ got by Partner out of a Woodcock Mare ^ - her Dam by
Childers Almanzor Son of Darley's Arabian & her
Grandam full Sister to Bay Bolton & Lamprey |
R193/3 (2 sides on
microfilm; upper left corner missing) |
…43 ...s Bay yearling Colt with a Star, and near feet white,
was got by whitenose and came out of an unbroke grey
mare call'd Steady, got by Steady, a Son of Devonshire
Childers, out of a Grantham mare, and the Steady mare
came from Miss Egerton, Steady and the Duke of
Devonshire's Flees'em were own Brothers.
The marquiss of Rockinghams Brown Colt Foal (without
marks) was got by whitenose, his Dam a Flea bitten Grey
mare got by Lord Portmore's famous Horse call'd Crab,
and came from a light Grey Natural Barb mare wch
the Duke of Marlborough gave Ld Portmore, and
he had her near twenty year ago of the Earl of
Harrington. |
handwriting, possibly Lord Rockingham's] A Chesnut Colt
got by Oronooko, his Dam by the Godolphin Arabian, his
grandam Ld Cokes Dun mare Daughter of the
Balld Galloway, his G: Grandam by Achaster Turk, Sire of
Chanter. N B the Dam of this Colt is the Dam of Mr
Crofts Brilliant / 1754 |
R193/4 (single side
only on microfilm) |
see R193/37 for related document also
written by Mr Osbaldeston |
I do hereby Certify
that the Bay Mare which I sold to the Marquiss of
Rockingham was bred by me and was no more than five
years old the last Grass Witness my hand the 9th
day of August 1755 / W Osbaldeston |
R193/5 (2 sides on
microfilm) |
a list of individuals
(names are recognizable as fellow turfites) and money
opposite, apparently amounts paid to or received from
them |
R193/6 (single side
only on microfilm) |
Old Worlock got by the
Bald Galloway / Mr Metcalf |
R193/7 (a folded piece
of paper, single side only on microfilm) |

[different hand on one
section, possibly Lord Rockingham's] Fair-Star & Sophy A Bay Mare, called Fare-Star, sold to the Marquiss of
Rockingham. -- 1751 -- She was got by Lord Lonsdale's Bay Arabian; her Dam
by Bay Bolton; her Grand Dam by the Darley Arabian; her
great Grand Dam by the Byerley Turk; her great great
Grand Dam by the Taffalet Barb; her great great great
Grand Dam by Place's white Arabian, out of a natural
Barb Mare. This Mare is covered this year by old Starling. A Bay Filley with white Feet & a Blaze sold at the
same time. She was got by Cade, and out of a full
Sister to the above mare. She is now three Years old. Fare Star is now eighteen years old. / Byram Octr
23d 1751. |
R193/8 (single side
only on microfilm) |
mare about 15 yo, got by young Greyhound, out of Doll, by Ld
Darcy's Woodcock; her dam the Moonah Mare, by a Barb in that
country (brought over in the same manner as the Royal
African her brother; both were foaled at Hampton Court in
the King's Stud) |
R193/9 (single side
only on microfilm) |
The Rt Honble
the Markt of Rockinghams Bill for the year of
1752 / (includes charges for covering 4 mares by Cade)
... / Thos Meridith |
R193/10 (single side
only on microfilm) |
Pedigree of a Gray filly foal'd Aprll 29: 1752. She was
got by Babram her Dam by Lord Portmores Spinner her
Grandam by His Lordships Old Crab her Grate Grandam By
Darleys Arabian. Which Daughter of Darleys Arabian the
Late Earl of Essex Purchest off Esqr Draper and put her
to his Studd -- the same Out of Drapers [Tituen] that
was Bred By Mr Thompson of Marston in Yorkshire and out
of his Famous Old Milkey a Noted. Good Runner - she was
Bred by Old Mr Leeds-- Spinner was got by Old Almanzor and out of a Full
Sister to Baybolton and Lamprey
a Gray filly Got by White Nose out of the above Daughter
of Spinner foald May ye 7 1754 Weybridge Oct 30th 1754 The Babraham filley is hired at 20 g p annum, for as
long as Ld Rockingham shall chuse to keep her
& he is always to have the refusal of her at 70 G: this
Bargain Begins in Summer of 1755. |
(a folded piece of paper with 2 sections written on one
side; seal & address on the other side as well as a note
in another hand, possibly Lord Rockingham's, "Hitch's
Mare") |
Sr Informed Ld Rockingham is raising a
Stud. I take ye liberty of sending a Coltt (3 this
Grass) and a Mare (8) both of good Blood - and I am sure
they will answer expectation -- The Colt is a Son of
Badger out of a Mare got by Mr Vavesours Black Tom his
Grandam was got by Tifter, out of a Mare descend from Ld
Feirfax's Morocco Arabian -- The Mare is with Foal by
Regulus - and is out of ye same Mare ye Colt came from &
got by a Son of Ruffler -- They are very low in Flesh,
but a good Pasture will soon make you [esteem] in a far
better Light -- & I shall be pled they meet with his
Lordships [es...etin] & am / Sr / Yr
humble Servt / [Mitch] Wakefield 22 Aprill 1752 If ye Mare produce a Filly foal & my Lord don't chuse it
- I shall be glad to have it - [...] To Wil Buck Esq
or the Revd Mr Hodgson att
Wentworth House |
R193/12 (single side
only on microfilm) |
a receipt signed by Thos
Bilton for covering Lord Maltons Grey Mare by Goliah |
R193/13 (single side
only on microfilm) |
a list of mares & dates
covered |
R195/14 (single side only
on microfilm) |
a list of expenses
related to mares travelling |
R193/15 (2 sided paper) |
To / The Right
Honble the Marquis of Rockingham / London
(also has a seal, and a stamp LICH FIELD) |
a note from Dan: Corker
dated Lichfield Feb: 3d 1752: discusses the
journey of & fees for a mare received in foal from John
Hawkes, to Wentworth House. |
R193/16 (2 sided
folded paper) |
To / Anthony Hall Esqr
/ at Wombwell near / Doncaster [and in a different hand, probably Lord Rockingham's,
written over a stamp NEW CASTLE; also a seal] Huntress / The Roan Gelding's full sister Sr
Decr 31st 1751 Pursuant to
your Letter of the 15th I have made what
Inquiry I Could How the Roan Gelding, Sold by My Brother
to Lord Rockingham, was Bred, I Find him not of any High
Blood; His Dam was a Mare belonging to Mr
Wilson Steward to Mr Tunstall of Wycliff, & I
believe Had a good Deal of Blood. She was Got by a
Country Stallion known in these parts by the name of Robt
Rowley's Roan Horse; This is all I Know of him. The
Mother Died last Year in Foaling, & I Can hear of
nothing of the Blood, Except a Bay Mare, now rising
Eight Year's old, Got by the same Robt
Rowley's Horse & out of the own Sister to Ld
Rockingham's Gelding's Dam, & is now believed to be with
Foal. She is lame & therefore fit for nothing but
Breeding also another Mare out of the Dam of the Roan
Gelding & Got by a Coach Horse. If either of these will
suite Ld Rockingham, if he will send over &
apply to My Steward at Cliff, least I should be from
Home, he will shew him the Mares. The Compts
of the Season waite on you & Family I am Sr Yr Most Hble Servt
/ H Witham |
R193/17 (2 sided, a page
of stallion ads from a Newspaper; one of the other ads dated
August 15, 1750) |
To LEAP this SEASON, /
At Mr William
Richardson’s, in Yarm, Yorkshire, at One Guinea a Mare,
and Five Shillings to the Keeper, / THE famous,
high-bred Running Horse, TRAVELLER, so well known, to
all Gentlemen of the Bridle, for his own extraordinary
Behaviour, and the good Performance of the Horses, &c
begot by him, that to speak of any other Recommendation
would be unnecessary.—Grass for Mares, with proper
Attendance. / N. B. The five Shillings to the Keeper is
to be paid at the Stable Door.
The noted BLAZE, in the Hands of John Luck and Joseph
Smith, at Beverley in the County of York, will cover
Mares this Season at Three Guineas and Half a Crown each
mare. / ALSO / In the same Hands, at the same Place, the
famous well-shap'd Horse, call'd, JOSEPH ANDREWS,
fifteen Hands and an Inch high, fit to carry eighteen
Stone Weight's Hunting; bred by Leonard Hartley, Esq;
near Richmond in Yorkshire, at One Guinea and Half a
Crown each Mare: He was got by Roundhead, who was out
of Roxana & the Devonshire Childers; Joseph's Dam was
got by Hipp, bred by Charles Pelham, Esq; and got by the
Old Bay Barb; his Grandam by Mr Hartley's blind Horse;
his Great Grandam was Old Flying Whigg, bred by Lord
Godolphin, she was got by the Woodstock Arabian, her Dam
by St Victor's Barb, who got the Old Bald Galloway, and
her Grandam by Old Grey Whynot. / LEONARD HARTLEY. / N
B In 1748 he won the Five Years Old Plate at Lincoln;
in 1749 he won the Six Years Old at Epsom; the King's
Plate at York, and the King's Plate at Lincoln. / Good
Grass for Mares.
To LEAP this Season, /
At Theakston, near Bedal, in Yorkshire, / THE
noted grey Horse called RIBB, at Three Guineas a Mare,
and Half a Crown the Servant. He was bred by Sir Ralph
Milbank, Bart, and got by Mr Panton's old Crab; his Dam
was the noted Mare called Doll (she was got by Lord
Darcy's Woodcock); his Grandam, by a true Barb; she was
called the Moonah Mare, being brought over in the same
Manner as the Royal African, her Brother; and both
foaled at Hampton Court. RIBB
is full fifteen Hands high, a Horse of great Strength,
and allowed, by all Judges, to be as fine a Horse as any
in England. Also to LEAP, at the
same Place, / The Horse called SEDBURY, at Three
Guineas a Mare, and Half a Crown the Servant, as usual. His Pedigree and Peformances [sic] have been so often
published, 'tis thought needless to repeate them. Likewise to LEAP, at
the same Place, / The Horse called REGULUS, at
Three Guineas a Mare, and Half a Crown the Servant. His
Pedigree and Performances have been so often published,
'tis thought needless to repeat them.
There is now at Charles
Dawson's, at Ripon, under the Care of Mr Hassell,
/ THE noted grey Horse call'd TORRISMOND. He will Cover
at Two Guineas a Mare and Half a Crown the Servant. He's very healthful, and in good Order, and clear of all
natural Blemishes, is very near fourteen Hands three
Inches high, goes well upon his Legs and Master of
twelve Stone, and is allowed, by Judges, to be as
handsome a Horse as ever was foaled. TORRISMOND,
in 1743, then four Years old, won a Fifty Pound Prize at
Morpeth; soon after that was sold to Mr Martindale, in
whose Possession he won the Fifty Pound Prize at Epsom,
Warwick, Huntingdon, Winchester, Leicester, and
Newmarket; and, at the last Place, the Hundred Guineas
for Horses rising Six. He also won the Eighty Guineas
at Oxford, and Lincoln. / TORRISMOND
was bred by Mr Crofts of Barforth, and got by Starling;
his Dam, by Partner; his Grandam, by Makeless, which
Mare was the Grandam of Mr Vane's Little Partner; his
Great Grandam, by Brimmer; and his Great Great Grandam,
by Place's white Turk; his Great Great Great Grandam, by
Dodsworth, out of a Layton Barb Mare. TORRISMOND's
Dam, which was the Dam of Toy, Drowsy, and Madam, is
full Sister to the Dams of Molloto, and
Dormouse.---"This is a true Pedigree, as Witness my
Hand, / JOHN CROFTS." / Good Grass for Mares, and proper
Care taken. / N B Torrismond's Sire and Grandsire was
the same as Teazer's.
This is to give NOTICE, / THat the famous strong chesnut
Horse TARTAR, (late his Grace the Duke of Ancaster's)
that won several Fifty Pound Plates, (likewise the
King's Plates at Litchfield, Guildford, and Newmarket)
will Serve Mares this Season, at Two Guineas a Leap and
Trial, and Two Shillings the Man, at Mr Anthony Smith's,
at Oulston, near Easingwold, Yorkshire. / TARTAR
is no more than eight Years old this Grass, is near
fifteen Hands high, and free from Blemish.---Grass for
Mares. / N B TARTAR
was bred by Edward Leeds, Esq; and got by Mr Croft’s
Partner; his Dam was Meliora, got by Fox; his Grandam
was Witty’s Milk-Maid; she was got by Sir William
Blackette’s Snail, out of a Mare called the Shield[s]
Galloway, bred by Mr Curwen, of Workington.—“This is a
true Pedigree, as Witness my Hand, / EDW. LEEDS.” Likewise in the same
Hands, / A grey Horse known by the Name of
BADGER. In 1743 he won the Prince's Plate at Epsom, the
King's Plates at Guildford, Salisbury, and Canterbury,
which were the only Plates he started for that Season. He is a fine strong Horse, full fifteen Hands high, and
free from any natural Blemish; and will Serve Mares this
Season at One Guinea a Leap and Trial, and One Shilling
the Man. / N B BADGER
was bred by Mr Croft, and got by Partner; his Dam, by
Woodcock, Son of Merlin, Son of Bustler, Son of the
Helmsley Turk; his Grandam, by Wastell’s Turk; his Great
Grandam, by Hautboy; his Great Great Grandam, by Place’s
white Turk; his Great Great Great Grandam, by
Dodsworth, out of a Layton Barb Mare. –“This is a true
Pedigree, as Witness my Hand, JOHN CROFT.”
This is to give NOTICE, / THat the fine brown-bay Horse
call'd PUFF, is healthful and in good Order, and will
cover Mares, at Mr Walter Kaye's, at Grange-Ash, five
Miles from Wakefield, and five from Huddersfield, at one
Guinea a mare and one Shilling the Servant. Puff is
above 14 Hands and an half high, Master of twelve Stone,
clear of all natural Blemishes, goes well upon his Legs,
and is a strong well-proportion'd Horse: He was bred by
the Duke of Devonshire, and got by the said Duke's
Childers; his Dam, by Basto; his Grandam, by the Curwen
Bay Barb; his Great Grandam, by Spot; and his Great
Great Grandam, by the white legg'd Lowther Barb, out of
the Vintner Mare. Puff is full Brother to Black-Legs,
Second, and Snip. His Dam was the Dam of Old Crab; his
Grandam was the Dam of Mr Croft's Partner, and full
Sister to Mix-berry.---Good Grass for Mares, and proper
Care taken of them. / N B PUFF, in 1740, won his
Majesty's Hundred Guineas, at Ipswich, for Five Year
In the Hands of Mr
Robert Norris of Beverley, in the County of York,
/ A Fine Strong Chesnut Horse, call'd BOLTON, well
mark'd, eight years old, fifteen Hands high, able to
carry eighteen Stone a Hunting, bred by his Grace the
Duke of Bolton: He was got by Sweep-Stakes, Son of Lord
Oxford's bloody-shoulder'd Arabian, his Dam by Bay
Bolton, Sire of Edward Leeds, Esqr's Starling, and the
Dam of William Osbaldeston Esqr's Traveller; his Grandam
by Basto, which got the Dam of Thomas Panton, Esqr's old
Crab; his Great Grandam by the Curwen Old Spot of
Workington, Cumberland; his Great Great Grandam by young
Spanker, Son of old Spanker, Sire of the Dam of Jigg,
and got by the Darcey Yealey Turk; his Great Great Great
Grandam by old Hautboy, Sire of Clumsey, which got old
Fox, Sire of Conqueror and Boy's Catt, and many Running
Horses, his Great Great Great Great Grandam by old
Bustler, Sire of Blunderbuss & old Merlin. He leaps at
One Guinea and a Shilling.---Good Grass for Mares, and
Care taken of them. / "I do certify the above Chesnut
Horse's Pedigree to be genuine." / PETER HAMMOND. / The
Horse is very lucky in getting Foals. This is the
second Season of his Leaping.
In the Hands of Mr
Thomas Meridith, at Easby, near Richmond, in Yorkshire,
at Three Guineas a Mare, and Half a Crown the Servant,
/ THE noted bay Horse, call’d CADE, late the Earl of
Godolphin’s; he was got by his Lordship’s Arabian, and
out of Roxana; He is full Brother to Lath, fifteen Hands
high, free from all natural Blemishes, and Master of
twelve Stone. Also at the same
Place, at Two Guineas a Mare, and Half a Crown the
Servant, / The noted brown Horse, call’d SHOCK,
which was the late Lord Chedworth’s; he was bred by Mr
Robinson, at Easby, and got by Jigg, Sire of Partner,
Son of the Byerley Turk, and out of Mr Metcalf’s old
Mare, the Dam of his Horses, Gay and Partner, and the
Earl of Portmore’s Squirt, Lady Caroline, and Lady
Betty; She was got by Snake, Son of the Lister Turk, his
Grandam by Hautboy, Son of the Darcy White Turk. At
four Years old he ... at ...00 Guineas a Side
...Lonsdale's Spider, in October 1744, call'd the
October-Stake... 275 Guineas, when ten started; Spider,
the April before, wo... the great Stakes at Newmarket,
of 800 Guineas. Shock... in high Viguor [sic], and
Master of twelve stone. / Good Grass for Mares, and
proper Care taken of them.
This is to give NOTICE, /
That, at North-Milford
near Tadcaster, / THE famous black Horse call’d
SLOE, will cover Mares, at Three Guineas a Mare, and
Half a Crown the Servant. SLOE
is very heathful, and in good Order. He was bred by
Thomas Panton, Esq; he is full fourteen Hands three
Inches and an half high, goes very well upon his Legs,
and is Master of Twelve Stone, and allow'd, by the best
of Judges, to be as fine a Horse as any in England. /
I do hereby certify,
that SLOE was got by Crab; his Dam, by the Duke of
Devonshire’s Childers; his Grandam by the said Duke’s
Sutton-Turk, and was call’d Old Mermaid (she beat six
Horses for the Wallasey Stakes); his Great Grandam, by
Basto, his Great Great Grandam by Makeless, out of a
full ister to the famous Honeycomb […] llet Barb. SLOE
won ...ifty Gui ... Match of Three Hundred Guineas; and,
three Days after it, the Hundred Guineas for Horses
rising Six. The Summer following he won the King's
Plates at Salisbury, WInchester, Canterbury, Lewes, and
Newmarket, and was never beat! / THO. PANTON Also, at
North-Milford aforesaid, / THE famous
BOLTON-STARLING, at Eight Guineas a Mare, and Half a
Crown the Servant. His Pedigree and Performances are so
well known to Sportsmen, that it's needless to repeat
them. He is very healthful, and in good Order, clear of
Blemishes, and was the Sire of the Duke of Ancaster's
Starling, Mr Routh's Skim, now the Earl of Portmore's,
Mr Martindale's Torrismond and Augustus, Mr Grisewood's
Teazer, and several very good Horses in Ireland. Likewise, at the same
Place, / The famous bay Horse call’d SECOND, at
Three Guineas a Mare, and Half a Crown the Servant. SECOND,
is very healthful, and in good Order. He was bred by
the Duke of Devonshire, and got by the said Duke’s
Childers; his Dam, by Basto, and was the Dam of Old
Crab, Puff, Black-legs, Snip, Bay Motte, &c, his Grandam
by the Curwen Bay Barb, and was the Dam of Mr Croft’s
Stallion, Partner; his Great Grandam by the Curwen Spot;
…white-legg’d Lowther Barb, out of the Vinter Mare; SECOND
... Hands three Inches high, and a fine, strong,
well-propo... Horse, Master of twelve Stone, clear of
all natural Blemishes, goes well upon his Legs, was
thought, by most Men, to be the best Horse of his Year. In April 1737, he beat Lord Lonsdale's Sultan, a Match
for Two Hundred Guineas a Side; in the June following he
won the King's Hundred Guineas, for Five Year Olds, at
Ipswich; in April, 1738, he won the Prize of Six Hundred
Guineas, call'd the Wallasey's Stakes, at Newmarket, and
the King's Hundred Guineas there in October following;
and several other Prizes too tedious to mention. / N B The three above-mentioned Horses are very lucky in
getting Foals.---Good Grass for Mares, and proper Care
taken of them.
On Tuesday last was published, / NUMBER I. of / THE
historical List of HORSE RACES, &c for the Year 1751, to
be continued annually, on every other Tuesday during the
Sporting Season and, at the Expiration thereof,
reprinted in a Book; the Price of the Whole, Half a
Guinea a Year. Any Noblemen, Gentlemen, or others, who
have not already favoured [us] with their Commands, and
who chuse to become Subscribers, shall have their Orders
punctually complied with, by directing to any of the
following Places, viz Mr David Smith’s, in Colliergate, York Mr Robert Norris’s, in Beverley, Yorkshire Mr Cooper Thornhill’s, in Stilton, Huntingdonshire Mr James Orourk’s, at the Crown in Stamford,
Lincolnshire Mr Deard’s Coffee-House, at Newmarket Meetings Mr Barr’s, the Castle, in Winchester Mr Lincoln’s, the King’s Head, near Gray’s Inn,
Holbourn Mr Tomkynes’s, the Shakespear’s Head, Covent Garden Mr Douglas’s, the Hercules Pillars, Hyde Park
Corner; or Their most obliged and obedient humble Servant,
/ REGINALD HEBER, In Cold-Bath Square, London |
R193/18 (one side
only on microfilm; printed) |
Beverley, April 1st,
1749. ADVERTISEMENT. THERE is now in the Hands of
John Luck, and
Joseph Smith of
Beverley, in the
County of York,
the noted Horse BLAZE,
bred by Mr Panton,
and got by the Duke of Devonshire's
Childers, out of
the Confederate Filly; she was got by
Grantham, her
Dam by the late Duke of Rutland's
black Barbe, and
out of a Mare call'd
Bright's Roan;
Bright's Roan was bred by Mr
Leedes, and got
by his Turk, which got
Bay Leeds, her Dam by
Willoughby, her
Gran Dam was a Daughter of the famous running Roan Mare
of Sir Christopher
Wivill's, got by Dodsworth; will cover Mares this
season at [...] Guineas and [...] a Mare, and One
Shilling the Servant [half a crown, handwritten]; with
good Grass for Mares at reasonable [R]ates. N B The abovesaid Horse
BLAZE is very
healthful, free from all Natural Blemishes, full fifteen
Hands high, and is allow'd to be a very fine and well
proportioned Horse, he is full Master of Twelve Stone;
he won at Newmarket
the Seven Hundred Pound Stakes, a Three Hundred Pound
Match, and a King's Plate; also he won the King's Plate
at Winchester,
and the King's Plate at
Lewis, and was allowed to be the best Horse of
his Year, as he prov'd himself by Running when Seven
Years Old; he won the Forty Pounds at
Epsom, the Fifty
Pounds at Guilford,
the Fifty Pounds at
Reading, the Fifty Pounds at
Oxford, and the
Fifty Pounds at
Chipping-Norton. + Whereas the Pedigree of the abovemention'd Roan
Mare was omitted
in former Advertisements, I do hereby Certifie, that the
above Pedigree of the Roan Mare is true according to the
Studd Book, as witness my Hand the 9th of
January, 1744. /
Bookseller, in the Butchery, and at his Shop in
Beverley, where all Sorts of of Printing-Work is done at
Reasonable Rates. |
R193/19 (single side
only on microfilm) - see also R193/31-33: all in same
hand [Ld Rockingham's?] and papers look similar |
list of foals 1759 |
R193/20 (single side
only on microfilm) |
I Certify that the Bay
Colt - got by Regulus - his Dam by Sedbury his Grandam
by Goliah & was bred by me & was no more than Four Year
old last Grass - & was sold by me to Ld
Rockingham in April last. / Wm Thornton /
York, Aug: ye 28th 1759 |
R193/21 (2 sided
folded paper) |
[written on other side of fold, different hand, probably
Lord Rockingham's] Bellina My Lord Your servant came to me in London to know the
Pedigree of a Mare I sold to Mr Hawks of
Staffordshire which I could not then recollect. He
bought two of me both got by Second, Out of my Brown
Mare which was
got by Stanyan's Arabian at Hampton Court, out of
Gipsey, who was bred by Sr Ralph Millbank and
was got by King William's Black barb wthout a
Tongue out of Sr Ralph's black Mare who was
bred by Mr Darcy and was got by Makeless out
of one of his best Royall Mares. The Oldest is 5
years old & the Brown one 4 this Grass. If your
Lordship has occasion for another filly I have a very
fine one out of the same Mare & got by Marksman a Son of
Lord Godolphins Arabian 3 years old now, as promising as
any thing can be which I intend to dispose of as I
understand |
nothing about
training. I sold three fillys out of this same mare to
the late Lord Leigh two of which proved so good that my
Lord told me he was offerr'd five hundred pounds for
them I mention this only for your Lordship information
of the breed. The three filly's were got by Whitefoot. I am your Lordships / Most Obedient and Very /
Humble Servant Dryffield [near] Cirencester In Glostersher June 17th 1752 Gabl
Hanger |
R193/22 (single side
only on microfilm) |
Decr 18th 1752 I do hereby certify that the Bay Filly with a Star,
Blaze, & three white Feet which the Marquess of
Rockingham bought of me, was Four Years old & no more
the last Grass. Witness my Hand / J Ramsden |
R193/23 (single side
only on microfilm) |
The Bay Mare wch
is ye Dam of Peirsons horse was got by
Partner her dam
by old Greyhound, her Grandam by Makeless, her
Gr: Grandam by Counceller, her Gr: Gr: Grandam by
Brimmer, from a mare of Mr Scurfields,
formerly a breeder in Yorkshire. |
R193/24 (2 sided folded
paper, both sides on microfilm) |
To Mr Davied Place att
Canter to be left at mr C Readheads in
Ricmond pray [send] it with speed [different hand, probably Lord Rockingham's] Spider
Leggs & her daughter Mopsy |
A bay fille 5
years old that I sold to Mr David Place was
got by forester hir Dam by partner hir grandam by
greyhound hir great grandam by makeless hir gr gr
grandam by councelor hir gr gr gr grandam by brimmer &
hir folle by traviller as witness my hand Staindrop Antho: Pearson 10 June 1752 [note in margin in a different hand] "X bought" / a bay
mare sold to mr David Place was got by
partner hir dam by greyhound hir greand dam by makeless
hir great grandam by councellor hir gr gr grandam by
brimmer & hir foll by snip as witness my hand Antho:
Pearson in Standrop in the county of Durham 10 June 1752 |
R193/25 (single side
only on microfilm) |
A Bay Colt Three years
old got by Cade out of a Sister to the Ancaster Starling
his Price 150 Guineas
a Bay Colt Two years old got by Cade, out of a Sister to
the Ancaster Starling his Price 150 Guineas
a Grey Colt Two years old got by Cade, out of Madam his
Price, 100 Guineas
Any Two of ye abovemention'd Colts for 250
Guineas or the Three for 350 Guineas. |
R193/26 (single side
only on microfilm) |
A Chesnut Mare -- with
a Small Star -- & believ'd to have one Heel behind white
-- about 17 Year old -- bought by the Duke of Perth of
Mr Crofts NB: [sic] |
R193/27 (single side
only on microfilm) |
A Brown Mare Sold to
the Rt Hon:ble the Marquiss of
Rockingham, was got by Ld Cullens Arabian,
(her Dam was Sold to Sr Charles Sedley, & is
said to be a daughter of Partner,) & is no more then Six
Years Old - as Witness my hand this 24:th of
Decr 1754 / The Mark "D" of David Newcomb [different hand, probably Lord Rockingham's] NB: Sr
Chs Sedley told me that the dam of my Mare Basheba was a
Chest Mare & once belong'd to Ld Weymouth [&]
run in his Possession. |
R193/28 (folded; single
side only on microfilm) |
[written on one side of
fold] Old Lonsdale A Brown Mare got by the Lowther Bay Arabian; her Dam by
the bay Barb; and her Grand Dam by the black Barb, out
of the Younger of the two Royal [blot over Royal] Mares
bought of Mr D'Arcy by the first Lord Lonsdale. This Mare is now twenty six years old. Byram Octr 23d
1751. |
R193/29 (folded sheet,
both sides on microfilm) |
Diana [Lord
Rockingham's hand?] |
June ye 29 1751 I do certifie ye Black mare I have sold to ye Marquis of
Rockingham was got by Bolton old Starling her dam by
Royal her Grd by merlin her great grad
by Merlin her great great grad by Akcaster
turk: her great great great Grad by young
infant this is the true pedigree that was given me of my
old mare Lady as wittnes my Hand / Wilberfoss Read Witness Ja: Preston |
R193/30 (folded; single
side only on microfilm) |
[written on one side of
fold; different hand] Certificate of Scampston Swallow /
1752 Scampston Septr 16th
1752 I do hereby certifie that the black Colt, got by
Sloe out of a Daughter of Starling was bred by me & was
two Years old and no more the last Grass, & was sold by
me this Day to the Marquess of Rockingham Witness my Hand / Will S:t Quintin |
R193/31 (single side
only on microfilm) |
list of yearlings |
R193/32 (single side
only on microfilm) |
list of 2 & 3 year
olds, 1759 |
R193/33 (single side
only on microfilm) |
proposed breedings for
1760; list of mares grouped under stallions: Regulus,
Whistlejacket, Godolphin Colt, & Black Barb |
R193/34a (large
sheet, both sides on microfilm) |
taken from Brown's
Copy of Sr M: Wyvills Stud Book Pedigree of the Spectacle Mare - dam of Tarquin - Hill
Forsters now Sr Ralph Gores Stallion & also
dam of my Godolphin Hunter The Spectacle Mare - was got by ye
Scarborough Colt - her dam by the Pelham Tifter (Sire
also of ye Garnet Mare) - her G: dam (the
Snake Mare) was got by Old Tifter, her Gt: G: dam by
Snake Gt: Gt: G: dam by Pooley's Diamond, her Gt: Gt:
Gt: G: dam by Hautboy, her Gt: Gt: Gt: Gt: G: dam by
Bustler, her Gt: Gt: Gt: Gt: Gt: G: dam by Old Woodcock
out of one of Sr Jonathan Jenning's Mares;
which Mare was of the Royal Kind at Sedbury.N B was foaled
Apr ye 4th 1747 Bay Colt off hind foot white |
R193/34b (a scrap of
paper, both sides on microfilm) |
To wait at Ironfield |
a list of mares |
R193/35 (folded sheet,
both sides on microfilm) |
Rockingham's hand?] certificate of the Oronooko Colt
half bro: to Brilliant 1754 |
London Novbr
14, 1754 I do certify the Marquess of Rockingham's chesnut Colt wth
one hind foot white was bred by me & is now one year old
& no more / Portmore The above mention'd Colt was got by Oronooko, his Dam by
late Ed Cokes Dun mare call'd Silverlocks she a Daughter
of ye Balld galloway from a daughter of acaster Turk no
further known to any certainty as Ld P[ulpe] believes |
R193/36 (a large folded
sheet, both sides on microfilm) |
[on one side of fold] Ld
Portmore 1754 Nov ye 2d 1754 Ld Portmore has sold Ld Rockingham
A Yearling Colt got by Oronooko out of the Dun Godolphin
Arabian Mare - dam of Crofts BrilliantA Colt foal got by
Whitenose out of a daughter of Crab (NB: on several
Conditions mentioned in another Paper
the old Egerton Mare
the Ruby Mare, own Sister to the dam of Martin
[other side]
His Lordship has also agred to lend his Mare called
Whitenose, (got by a Son of Quiet out of a daughter of
Conyers Arabian) for the Year 1755 & has sold her
Produce of the Cover of the Cullen foreigner / Portmore
Ruby was got by old Crab, her dam Abigail was got by ^
[yg] ^ Greyhound, out of Rouths Worlock dam of
Greville's Fox Cub &c / Cover'd by Whitenose 1754/color> |
R193/37 |
[Mr Osbaldeston's
writing, see R193/4] 9th August 1755 The Bay Mare I sold to the Marquiss of Rockingham
was got by Bajazett her Dam by
Almanzor Bloody Buttocks her Grandam by Almanzor her Great Grandam | by Sr Wm
Strickland's Bay [bolton]
was | Hautboy own Sister to Bay | Bolton and Lamprey |
her Great Great Grandam by Makeless her G G G Grandam | by Brimmer who was Ocklam Merlin's Dam | & was Grandam to [Terror] | her G G G G Grandam by Diamond her G G G G G Grandam was full Sister to
Old Merlin's Dam |
[different hand,
probably Lord Rockingham's] Selima |
R193/38 [a large sheet,
folded; one side only on microfilm |
[different hand,
probably Lord Rockingham's] Certificate of Arabian Colt
got by the Godolphin Arabian out of Volunteer's Sister
I certifie that the Bay Colt got by my Arabian out of
the Sister to Volunteeer, which I now sell to the
Marquess of Rockingham is not more than rising two year
old. London Apr ye 10th 1755 /
Godolphin |
R193/39 [2 handwritten
pages, not clear if front & back of same sheet, or 2
separate sheets] |
Chatsworth Novr
9th 1764 Brood Mares. Brown Mare Bought of Lord Rockingham Came into the stud
1762 & Was Covered by Hector May 2 1764 [&] is supposed
to be in fole. Polly a Daughter of Old Polly & Lath foled April 1744
she was Covered by Hermit May 15th 1764 & is
supposed to be in fole. Mawkin full sister to Polly fol’d April 1748 - she was
covered by Feather May 28th and is supposed
to be in fole. … 1764. Gipsey out of the Basto Mare & Lath foled April 1749 She was covered by Feather April 18 1764 & is supposed
to be in fole. Crazy full Sister to Gipsey foled in April 1747 was
covered by Hermit May 10 1764 & is supposed to be in
fole. Lady out of the Old Brown Basto Mare Mother to Hector &
Blank foled May 1757 was covered by Spectator May 27,
1764 & is supposed to be in fole. Bess out of the Godolphin Filley & Shepards Horse was
Foled in May 1759 & was covered by Matchless June 9th
1764 & is supposed to be in fole. Molly out of Crazy, & Shepards Horse foled in May 1759
she was Covered by Atlas May 12 1764 & is supposed to be
in fole.
Colts Riseing two. A Bay Colt ouf ot Crazy & Shepards Horse A Bay Colt out of Lady & Spectator A Grey Colt out of daughter of Duchess & Spectator Riseg
[3]Filleys Riseing
three A Bay Filley out of Crazy & Shepards Horse A Black Filley out of AEsops Sister & Hector
Filleys Riseing two A Chesnut Filley out of Mawkin & Shepards Horse A Bay Filley out of Daughter of Miss & Atlas
Foles of this year. A Chesnut Colt out of Dutchess & Shepards Horse A Chesnut Colt ouf of Fairy & Blank A Bay Colt out of Irish Mare & Blank A Bay Colt out of Lord Rockinghams Mare & Matchless A Bay Colt out of Godolphin Filley & Shepards Horse A Black Colt out of Polley & Matchless A Bay Colt out of Lady & Spectator A Grey Colt out of Countess & Feather A Bay Filley out of Wesel's Sister & Shepards Horse A Bay Filley out of Mawkin & Hermit A Brown Filley out of Bess & Atlas
N. B. Three of these Colt Foles are engaged they
are not yet Pitched upon but are supposed to be the
three First.
NB Mawkin & Polly were got by Lath out of Old Polly who was
got by Childers out of a Mare that was bought of Mr
Crofts & got by Makeless out of a full Sister to
Honey:comb Punch
Gipsey & Crazy were got by Lath out of the Bay Basto
Mare who was got by Childers hir Dam by Basto her
Grandam by Curwens Barb she was full Sister to Mixbury &
the Dam of Partner. |
R193/40 (a folded piece of
paper, one side included on microfilm) |
[on one side of fold;
different hand, probably Lord Rockingham's] Dove Forcett Septr 7 1760 A brown Filly sold to the Marquiss of Rockingham; She
was got by the Cullen Arabian her dam by a Son of Bay
Bolton, which was out of a Mare got by Jigg, Her Grandam
by old Crab her great Grandam by Bay Bolton her great
great Grandam by the Curwen bay Barb her great great
great Grandam by old Spot, her great great great great
Grandam by the White-leg’d Barb. / Jas
Shuttleworth |
R193/41 (a folded piece
of paper, one side included on microfilm) |
[on one side of fold;
different hand, probably Lord Rockingham's] Julietta The Bay Mare Sister to Lord Lonsdale’s Juba, I sold to
the Marquis of Rockingham, was got by Lord Lonsdale’s
Bay Arabian, her Dam by Jigg, her Grand Dam was bred by
Mr Curwen & got by his Bay Barb. |
R193/42 (one side only
on microfilm) |
I do Certifie the the
Chestnut Colt wth a Reach down his face and
four white feet wch I sold to the Rt
Honble the Marquiss of Rockingham Was got by
Regulus; his dam by broadbottom (own Brothr
to Antilope) her dam; (wch was also own
Sister to Vollunteer) by Young Belgrade; her dam by
Barlets Childers; her dam by the Chestnut Turk; her dam
by the Curwen Bay Barb; her Dam by the Curwen Spot; out
of a daughter of Old Woodcock he was foal’d the 25th
of Aprill 1758 and bred / By Me James Browne Scarborough 22d of Aprill 1760 |
R193/43 |
I do Certifie that the
Bay Colt wth a Ball face and the off hind
foot white, [...]ch I sold to the Rt
Honble the Marquis of Rockingham was got by
Regulus; his dam by Mr Huttons Spot; his
grandam (wch was also Stateleys dam) by the
Hutton black legs; her dam by Bay [...]lton; her dam by
Coneyskins her dam by the Hutton Gray Barb; her dam by
the Byerley Turk; out of a daughter of Bustler he was
foald the 3d of Aprill 1758 and bred Scarborough 22d of Aprill 1760 By me
James Brown |
R193/44 (folded sheet,
both sides on microfilm) |
As soon as I
had yours I orderd R[...] Parkinson to
prepare for his Journey with Countis and I hope she will
come safe as I have orderd him to make three Days of it
and to take perticular care of her I hope my Ld
will Set a high Value of her not withstanding I am but
to have 40 Guineas for her the Chief reason of my
parting with her is that She never brought me a Colt and
tho I Sold Two of her Daughters last Spring I have other
Two left and three more which is all decended from Old
fflying Whig. Some of the ffive is now in ffoal and the
others is to be leaped next Spring I lost a ffilly got
by Squirt out of her was the best I ever saw and in my
Opinion the best she ever bred tho the last She had tho
but gone a year Old I have within this two Mongths
refused 100 for I beg you will not put her amongst a
great Number of Horsses for that is the ruine of all
mares that is got into Years and indeed the greatest
mistake that any Breeder is guilty of If they are not
kept in Smal Number or amongst other Cattle all the meat
in the world will not keep in Condition an Old Brood
Mare for the Smal number I have I take care never to
have in Winter above Two in [One] field and if there is
hoags and Sheep they always thrive the better if my Ld
chouse to pay for her be so good as Send me a bill for
all or most of it as it Suites you Tis no matter [...]
Sort of Bill it is I have Inclosed her Pedegree which
please to present to my Lord along with my Complements
and I have enlarged to you a little on the explanation
of the Sd Pedegre and if you look into Ponds
Sporting Kalendar you will in the Latter read amongs the
Stallions find Some good Horses nearly allyed to her it
all came from that Little Galloway fflying Whigg ffrom
this little Mare I bred Six ffilleys (for she never had
a Colt tho She had Ten ffoales) Two of them I made Brood
Mares of and Sold them after to Ld Godolphin who called
them the Great and Little Hartley Mares as you will
often find in Cheyne and Pond. Babram was out of the Gt
Hartley Mare and So was Countis's Dam Jos: Andrews was
out of the Same Mare as Countis and could run well tho
got with Roundhead. Out of the Little Hartley Mare came
Tortoise, Janus, Blanck, Slug, Trimer and Shakespear to
different Stallions besides Some ffillys [ye]
makes up the best part of Mr Meredith's Stud
at Easby, Please to pardon me for dweling so long on
this Subject as I am not Sure of its being agreable to
you and believe me to be your most Obliged Humble Servt
/ Leod Hartley / Ws ye
29 ^ 9 ^ 1754. |
R193/45 |
[different hand,
probably Lord Rockingham's] Countess The Pedegree of
Countess Ws ye 25th.1754 Bred by [Mr] Leod Hartley of
Midleton Tyas She was got by my Blind Horse Her Dam by Hip her Grandam
by my Blind Horse her Gt Grandam by the
Woodstock Arabian her Gt Gt
Grandam by St Victors Barb her Gt
Gt Gt Grandam by Old Grey Whynot
Son of the ffenwick Barb.
Countis's Dam was the mother of Joseph Andrews her
Grandam was the mother of Babram her Gt
Grandam was fflying Whig mother of the Gt and
Little Hartley Mares which I Sold Lord Godolphin which
is So often mentioned in Cheny and Pond
My Blind Horse was got by a Turk brought over from
Constantenople by Sr [Rd] Sutton
when he was Ambasador for Queen Ann out of Sr
Ra: Milbankes black mare which he bought from Sedbury. She was got by Makeless her Dam by Old Royal. Hip was
bred by Mr Pelham & got by the Old Bay Barb
his Dam by Listers Turk out of a Runing Mare of the D
Kingstons called Pipeing Pegg. The Woodstock Arabian
Sometimes called off Williams's who got fflying Whig got
Two famous Horsses called Spider and Points. St
Victors Barb was Sior of the balled galloway Whynot was
famous boath for Raceing and a Stallion he was Son of
ffenwick Barb. |
R193/46 |
note from Dan Corker,
requesting payment for John Hawkes |
R193/47 (folded sheet
with writing on both sides, both included on microfilm) |
[different hand,
probably Lord Rockingham's] Certificate of the Three
Colts bought of Brown of Scarborough |
My Lord I am this
day honrd wh your Lordships very
oblige favr and in answr, Your
Lordship shall have the Colts as proposed in my last
(Viz) 150 Guineas, and 20 Gs Each the first
match or plate Either wins Value £50
And now they
are your Lordships, I belive them to be three as
hopefull Colts as any one man in England can produce. I
shall send them to wentworth as Soon as I get proper
people to take them there; I most sincerely wish them as
much Good luck and Success as if they were my own. I
wonder Your Lordship wd hesitate at having
the Crabb Colt as he is almost full Brother to his Grace
of Devonshire’s Mare, that none Dare face; the last
meeting for the Guin[s]. And as farr as Can
be Judged from, Size; Shape; and Action; he is likely to
prove himself Equal to the Mare. I must beg
leave to Recommend to your Lordsp to match
the Bay Colt to run at 4 Years old at Nine Stone weight
at least; as I verily belive there is not a Colt in
England will bett be able to cary wt then
he’ll be at that age.The Chestnut
Colt is very Stong and Boney but as he Promises great
Size I think he will not be so fitt to run Early as the
other. I intend sending both their Dams to Regulus this
Season. I have sent Duplicates of these to London
agreeable to your directions. It will afford me much
pleasure to hear the Vollunteer Colt wins his Match; and
that Your Lordship has better Success this meeting then
you had the last; is the unfeign’d wish of your
Lordships Most Dutifull and obligd Humble
Servt / James Browne / Scarboro: 22d
Aprill 1760 |
R193/48 (folded sheet,
both sides on microfilm) |
Selima [different hand,
probably Lord Rockingham's] dam of Scampston Cade,
grandam of Scampston Swallow & Tartar Colt |
Scampston Septr ye 16th
1752 I do hereby certifie that the Damm of the black Colt
gott by Sloe & the bay Colt got by Tartar, was got by
Leeds’s Starling,
Her Damm by
Bethel’s Arabian, Her Grand Damm by Gream’s
Champion, Her great Grand Damm by Darley’s Arabian, &
Her great great Grand Damm by old Merlin. / Witness my
Hand / Will St Quintin
[different handwriting, probably Lord Rockingham's] NB: h[is] Dam called Selima I bought that Day also |
R193/49 (writing on
both sides, both on microfilm; crease down center of
page) (appears to be a continuation of R193/34a) |
Tifter was bred by Sr ...Parsons & got by the
Tholouse Barb w...h got Bagpipe & the Panton's Molly's
dam, S... St Quintin's Mare - Mr Hawksworth Tru...
Roger. Ld Godolphin s...ed the dam of Tifter to be
Sist... in Blood to Leeds But Mr Crofts [account]
that the Dam of Tifter was got by Councellor - his g:
dam by Brimmer - his gt: g: by Dickey Pearson
(which ws a Son of O...d Dodsworth) his gt: gt: g: dam
was a Burton Barb Mare. |
Scarborough Mar... was got by Mackeless her dam by
Brimme... (which Mare was a mare of Sr Marma:
Wyvills ...ther's & called Tisby.
Belgrade the 2d
was got by y... Belgrade Turk - his dam by Bay Bolton -
...t of the Scarborough Mare
Makeless - was
got by Gene...l Oglethorpe's Arabian his dam by Ld
D'Arcy's Y...llow Turk - & out of a Natural Barb Mare -
which Sr Jno Lawson (a Sea
Admiral) bought from Barbary & gave her to King Charles
- who gave her to Ld d'Arcy. |
R193/50 (folded sheet,
both sides on microfilm) |
A ^ Bay ^ filly rising
five 14 hands 2 [a fraction] got by Second out of the
Dam of Ld Lee’s Molly & Diana, bred at
Hampton Court got by Stanyer’s Arabian. Her dam by the
Black tongueless Barb of King William’s - great grandam
Gipsy Sr Ralph Milbanke’s got by Mackeless. -
dam of Hartleys Blind Horse & Othello. Drogheda / in
foal by old Starling price 120 G daughter of
Slammerkin, got by Firetail, Son of Childers - out of
the Commoner Mare.
A Grey Stallion 11 [years] old 14 -2-[some fraction] Got
by ^ Old ^ Partner out of a full Sister to Starli...
price […]
[on other side] Bellina |
R193/51 (one side only
on microfilm) |
I do hereby Certifie
that a Chesnut Gelding, with a Black Spott mixed with
some few Grey Hairs of his farr Buttock, and which I
have sold to the Marquess of Rockingham was bred by me
and was no more then four years old last Grass As
Witness my hand this Fourth day of September 1754. Henry Hunt |
R193/52 (both sides on
microfilm) |
a receipt for payment
by Mr Singleton of Lord Rockingham's bill for horse
keeping, from Thos Guest |
Mr Gust... Bill |
R193/53 (single side
only on microfilm) |
To be sold at Newmarket
on the ...on the [last?] October meeting the following
High bred Brood Mare - Colt & Fillies 1. A Bay Mare
now 7 Years old – got by Old Starling, her Dam by Second
(her Grdam ye dam Ld Leighs Molly
& Diana) was got by Stanyon’s Arabian – her gt g: dam
Gipsy –
was got by Kg Williams Black Barb & bred by Sr
Ralph Milbanke out of his Black Mackeless Mare, dam of
Hartley’s Blind Horse, bred by Mr Darcy got by Mackeless
out of [one of] the best Royal Mares 2. A Chest Mare
– which belong’d to the Honourable Josiah Child & was
then call’d Julietta - & who won many Hunters Plates
carrying Eleven Stone. She was got by the own Brother to
the Bolton Fearnought & was out of the famous Bald
Charlotte. A fine Boney
filley foal at her foot – got by the own Brother to
Tarquin - & is again Cover’d by the Same Horse. 3. A Bay Mare –
got by the Cullen Arabian – her dam a Brood Mare of Sr
Chs: Sedley’s - but her Pedigree not ascertained A Fine Colt Foal at her foot - got by the Brother to
Tarquin & again Cover’d by the Same Horse 4. A Bay Mare -
now 7 years Old - got by Regulus - her dam by Mixberry.
Her g: dam by the Turk that got Hutton’s BlackLegs - her
gt: g:dam by Bay Bolton - her gt. gt. g. dam by Hutton’s
Coneyskins - her gt: gt: gt: g.dam by Mr
Hutton Grey Barb - her gt gt gt: gt: g: dam by ye
Byerley Turk - out of a Bustler Mare. NB: this Mare
had a foal this year, but the foal died & she is now
cover’d by a Son of Cade - who was out of an own Sister
to Mr duncombe’s Dutchess. |
R193/54 (both sides
on microfilm) |
Whistlejacets Pedigree. Whistle Jacet was foald the first of April 1749 And Sold
to Sir William Midleton September the 22d
1752, he was got by the Mogul, his dam by Sweepstakes,
his Grandam by the Chesnut Arabian at Hampton Court, his
great Grandam was out of a Mare called, Penelope, which
was got by Makeless; his great great Grandam by Brimer
and out of Trumpets Dam The Pedigree that I had of Sweepstakes I here send your
Lordship below. He was got by Lord Oxfords Bloody Shoulder’d Arabian,
his Dam was a White Mare of Mr Snells bred by
Champion Dimmock, and got by Mr Gase’s
Stallion out of a Mare that was Sister to the Dam of
Brisk. [different handwriting] Sweepstakes had bad feet, being much troubled with Sand
Cracks— N B: This Pedigree was sent me by Mr Hammond from
Bolton / Rockingham |
R193/55 (folded sheet
with writing both sides of fold, one side only on
microfilm) |
[different hand, Lord
Rockingham's] Pedigree of the dam of Scampston Swallow &
Tartar Colt 1752 Scampston Septr ye 16th
1752 I do hereby
certifie that the Damm of The Scampston Swallow, & of
the Tartar Colt, was got by Leeds’s Starling, Her Damm
by Bethel’s Arabian, Her Grand Damm by Gream’s Champion,
Her great Grand Damm by Darley’s Arabian and Her great
great Grand Damm by Merlin / Witness my Hand / Will: St
Quintin |
R193/56 (one side only
on microfilm) |
a list of 5 names with
produce in 1758 & 1759, also [Peirson] Adj / Hornsey
Surgeon |
R193/57 (both sides on
microfilm) |
note mentioning several
matches & bets Admiral Boscawen his filly or colt out of a Chesnut mare
now coverd by Sloe agt Robert Shafto Esqrs filley or
Colt out of Crab's dam Lord Orfords Grey mare got by Crab out of a full sister
to Partner and now coverd by Ld Cullens
Arabian Ld Rockingham names his Mare
got by
the Dam of the Dukes Mask
coverd by White Nose |
R193/58 (one side only
on microfilm) |
Milford 14th
Novr 1760 I do Certify that the bay Filly I lately exchangd with
the most Honble The marquis of Rockingham was bred by me
and will be three years old next grass and no more / Edwd
Leedes |
R193/59 (both sides on
microfilm) |
[different hand,
Lord Rockingham's] Pedigree of Laura 3
yo b f, exchanged with Ld Rockingham for a Godolphin Arabian
Mare he had of me, got by Second; dam by Mogul; grandam by
Sweepstakes; g grandam, sister to Sloven, by Bay Bolton
(Edward Leedes, Milford, 14 Nov 1760)
Milford 14th
Novr 1760 I do Certify that the bay Filly now rising three Years
old which I have exchangd with the Rt Honble
The Marquis of Rockingham for the Godolphin Arabian Mare
he had of me was got by Second her Dam by Mogul grandam
by Sweepstakes great Grandam by bay Bolton and was
Sister to Sloven / Edwd Leedes |
R193/60 |
I do Certify that the
Colt Foal I sold to the Rt Honble
the Marquiss of Rockingham the 20th July last
past, was bred by me and foal’d the 12th of
last April. The above is true as Witness my hand this
23rd Day of October 1752 / Edwd
I do Certify that the Colt Foal I sold to the Rt
Honble the Marquiss of Rockingham the 20th
of July last was bred by me, and got by Starling, His
Dam by Ld Godolphins Arabian, His Grandam by
the Duke of Devonshires Childers, His Great Grandam by
True Blue, and his G. G. Grandam by Cyprus, out of the
late duke of Rutlands Mare calld Bonny Black; and that
he will be one year old next Grass and no more. –The
above is true as Witness my Hand, this 23rd
Day of October 1752 / Edwd Leedes
17 Octr 1752 Rec’d the Rt Honble the Marquiss of
Rockingham Fifty Guineas, full for a Colt Foal got by
Starling / Edwd Leedes |
R193/61 (both sides on
microfilm) |
Letter in French dated
Londres ce 23 Juillet 1759, from [R] A Galitzin,
mentions that he will be in London through the month of
August, then plans to depart in the month of September
from Hull for St Peterburg; seems to be asking for
assistance in purchasing a horse that corresponds to a
certain description, or otherwise 2 others. |
R193/62 (one side only
on microfilm) |
This is to Certifie
that the Bay Colt with a Starr & offhind foot white wch
I Sold to the Rt Honble the
Marquis of Rockingham was got by Old Cade his dam by
Young Belgrade, and was own Sister to Vollunteer his
Grandam by Barlets Childers; his Great Grandm
by the Duke of Devonshires Chestnut Turk, his G: G:
Grandam by the Curwin Bay Barb; his Great G: G: Grandm
by the Curwin Spot, out of a Daughter of Old Woodcock. He was foald the 19th of May 1756 And Bred by
Me / James Browne, Scarboro: March 3d 1760 This is to Certifie that the Bay Colt with a Starr, wch
I sold to the Rt Honble the
Marquis of Rockingham, was got by Changeling his Dam by
Dunkirk his Grandam by Smileing Tom; his G Grandam by
the Acklum Marlin, and was own Sister to Sir Michl
Newtons Ball’d Jack. He was foald Aprill ye 30th
1756 and Bred / Scarboro 3d March 1760 / By
Me James Browne. This is to Certifie that the Brocken Leg Bay Colt wch
I sold to the Rt Honble the
Marquis of Rockingham; was got by Old Cade, his Dam by
the Duke of Devonshires Blacklegs and was own Sister Mr
Duncombes Dutches; and Spiders Dam; his Grandam by Old
Fox and was own Sister to Golia. His G: Grandam by
Greams Champion, and out of a Daughter of Sir Mathew
Peirsons Blew Capp. He was foald ye 13th
of May 1756 and Bred / By me James Browne / Scarboro: 3d
March 1760. |
R193/63 (one side
only on microfilm) |
Article between the
Marquis of Rockingham & Dan Corker regarding a Bay Mare by
the Cullen Arabian; dated London Febry ye 14th
1755 |
R193/64 |
[opposite side in different handwriting, probably Lord
Rockingham's] The Grey Filly which
the Marquess of Rockingham bought of me was foaled in
174[6 or 8] & was got by Regulus, her Dam by Lord
Lonsdale's Grey Arabian bought of Sr Thos
Winn, her Grandam by Bay Bolton, her great Grandam by
Darley's Arabian, her great great Grandam by Bierley
Turk, her great great great Grandam by the Taffolet
Barb, her great great great great Grandam by Mr
Place's White Arabian, out of a Barbary Mare. / J
Ramsden N B This is proper to be entered in a Book |
[on one side of fold] Mary Grey and Regulus Colt Copy of Sr Johns Pedigree & Certificate Bay Colt foaled in 1748. Got by Regulus, his Dam Ld
Lonsdales Bay Arabian, his Grandam Snake, his Great Grandam,
by the Duke of Rutlands Grey Turk, his Great Great Grandam
by Hautboy, his Great Great Great Grandam by Bustler, his
Great, Great, Great Great Grandam by the Willoughby Barb,
his Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandam was brought
from Bolton Castle in the Time of the Grand Rebellion. |
R193/65 (one side
only on microfilm) |
Squirt was got by
Bartlett’s Childers; his Dam by Snake; his Grand Dam was
the Old Wilks Mare got by Hautboy, & full Sister to
Clumsey, the Sire of Fox / Thos Metcalfe |
R193/66 (one side only
on microfilm) |
of [possible] names for horses |
R193/67 (both sides
on microfilm) |
[different hand] Marske
- dam of the D of Cumberlands Marske 1754 / & Mixberry Marske Augt ye 29th
1754 The Brown Mare was got by my Blacklegs, her Dam by Mr
Lister's Fox Cub, her Grandam by Coneyskins, her great
Grandam by the Hutton Grey Barb, her gt gt Grandam by
the Royal Colt, her gt gt gt Grandam by Byerley Turk out
of a Mare got by Bustler. A year old Fillye from the above Mare got by Cade. /
John Hutton |
Marske Augt ye 29th
1754 A Bay Fillye two
years old this grass got by Regulus, her Dam by
Mixberry, her Grandam by the Bay Turk (that got my
Blacklegs) her great Grandam by Bay Bolton her gt gt
Grandam by Coneyskins her great gt gt ^ Grandam ^ by ye
Hutton Grey Barb, and her Dam by Byerley Turk from a
Bustler Mare. / John Hutton |
R193/68 (both sides on
microfilm) |
[different hand,
probably Lord Rockingham's] Pedigree of Cloudy
Byram Febry
15th 1761 The Brown Mare wch the Marquess of Rockingham
bought this Day of me, was got by Sampson, her Dam by
Lord Lonsdale’s Monkey, her Grand Dam by Lord Lonsdale’s
Bay Arabian, her great Grand Dam by the Thoulouse Barb,
& was full Sister to Sr William Blacket’s
Bagpipe. She was foaled Apl 9th 1754. / J
Ramsden |
R193/69 |
list of three year old
Colts & Fillies 1759 |
R163/70 |
list of two year old
Colts & Fillies 1759 |
R163/71 |
list of horses,
including some with names & several colts & fillies |
© A
J Hibbard.
All rights reserved. |