Thomas Leigh was born in 1713
and succeeded his father Edward Leigh as Baron Leigh upon his death
in March 1738. He was not the first one in the family who showed an
interest in horse racing; in Cheny's Racing Calendars it can be seen
that his father raced a bay gelding in 1734; and in 1736 and 1737
ran a chestnut horse, Hopewell, in races for some valuable prizes. From 1744 to 1746 Thomas Leigh
raced three full brothers - two bay geldings Foxhunter (1739)
and Surly (1740), and a bay colt Bauble (1741) - all
said to be out of the chestnut mare called Miss How[e] and got by
the Coles Foxhunter, which was out of the Rutland Brown Betty and a
son of the Darley Arabian.
In the history of thoroughbred
breeding, however, Lord Leigh will be remembered as owner of two
full sisters Diana and Charming Molly. Descendants of
these mares make up one of the branches of Bruce Lowe's
Family 13.
Diana and
Charming Molly |
Both Diana and
Charming Molly were good race mares, winning consistently; they
started almost exclusively for fifty pound prizes, or, that is, in
company somewhat below the grade of competition for Royal Plates.
According to Cheny's Racing Calendars this is the complete race
record of these two mares: |
Diana started for 11 prizes, winning 7 valued at 350 pounds in
total |
1745 Jun 5th. Guildford, Surrey. £50 Plate, (given by the Right
Honourable the Lord Onslow) free only for such as had never
won the Value of the Prize. Won by Lord Leigh's Brown M
Diana, 5yo (1 1). Jul 4th. Town of Nottingham. £50 for 4yo and 5yo. Lord
Leigh's Diana, 5yo, ran (2 2 3). Race was won by the
Earl of Portmore's Grey H Moore-cock, 5yo, ran (1 1). Sep. Burford, Oxfordshire. A Sweep stakes Purse of sixty
Guineas, fifty of which was a Prize of the first Horse, &c
and ten the Prize of the second. Lord Leigh's Browne M
Diana, won (1 1). |
1746 Jun 25th. Grantham, Lincolnshire. £50 for horses that had
never won above 50 gs. Lord Leigh's br. m. Diana, 6yo, ran
(3 4 1) in a race won by Mr Greville's gr h
Crab, aged (1 1). Aug 27th. Town of Warwick. £50 for horses that had not won
£50 since Apr 1st, nor above 50 guineas any time before.
Lord Leigh's br m Diana, 6yo, won (1 1). Sep 12th. Burford, Oxfordshire. £50 for horses that never
won a Royal Plate. Lord Leigh's br m Diana, 6yo,
won (0 2 1 1). |
1747 Aug 11th. Town of Warwick. £50 for those that never started
for above £50, nor won the value of 10 gs, since Jan 1st
last. Hon Miss Leigh's br m Diana, full aged, won
(1 1). Sep 15th. Chippingnorton, Oxfordshire. £50 for those that
never started for above £50. Hon Miss Leigh's br m
Diana, full aged, won (1 1). |
1748 Apr 23rd. West Chester, Cheshire. City Plate of £30. Hon
Miss Leigh's br m Diana ran (2 3 dr.). Plate won by
Mr Hale's bl g Chimney Sweeper (4 1 1). |
1749 Aug 17th. Reading, Berks. £50 for horses that had not won
above the Value of the Prize. Hon Miss Leigh's br m
Diana won (1 1). Aug 23rd. Stockbridge, Hants. £50 for horses that had not
won 50gs (matches excepted). Hon Miss Leigh's br m Diana ran
(2 4 2). Won by Mr Swymmer's br m Molly. |
Charming Molly started for 14 prizes, winning 11 valued at more than 570
pounds in total |
1746 Aug 28th. Stockbridge, Hants. £50 purse for 4yo that never
before started for Match or Prize. Hon Miss Leigh's br f
Charming Molly won (1 1), beating Mr Rogers's gr c
Highlander. |
1747 Apr. 21st. Newmarket, Cambridgeshire. £50, 4yo, Hon Master
Leigh's br f Charming Molly ran 7th (last) in a
race won by E of Portmore's gr c Highlander. Jul 15th. Town of Nottingham. £50 for 4yo and 5yo. Master
Leigh's br m Charming Molly, 5yo ran (2 3 1) in a
race won by E of Portmore's gr c Highlander. Aug 12th. Town of Warwick. £50 that had not won £10 since
Jan 1st. Hon Master Leigh's br m Charming Molly,
5yo won distancing the only other contender Mr Hope's b c
Little Looby, 4yo. Sep 2nd. Litchfield. £50, 5yo of subscribers. Hon Master
Leigh's br m Charming Molly started alone. Sep 12th. Burford, Oxfordshire. 70gs, 5yo of subscribers.
Hon Master Leigh's br m Charming Molly won,
beating Sir Watkin William Wynn's b h Madcap. Sep 27th. Reading, Berks. £50 for horses that had not won
above £50. Hon Master Leigh's br m Charming Molly,
5yo, won (2 1 1). |
1748 Apr 22nd. West Chester, Cheshire. £50 Gold Cup, given by Sir
Robert Grosvenor, Bart for 4yo and 5yo horses. Master
Leigh's br m Charming Molly won (1 1). Jul 7th. Town of Nottingham. £50 for horses that never won a
Royal Plate. Won by Lord Leigh's br m Charming Molly,
6yo, beating Mr Rogers's b h Babram, aged, and one
other. Jul 21st. City of Peterborough. £50 wt for age. Lord Leigh's
br m Charming Molly won (1 1). Aug 9th. Town of Warwick. £50 for 6yo that never started for
above 50gs. Lord Leigh's br m Charming Molly won,
beating Hon Mr Child's b h Loutherio. Sep 9th. Burford, Oxfordshire. £50 for 5yo and 6yo that
never won a Royal Plate. Hon. Master Leigh's br m
Charming Molly, 6yo ran (3 1 2); the Plate won by Mr
Dutton's b h King Pippin, 5yo (1 5 1). |
1749 Aug 15th. Town of Warwick. £50 for any horse that never won
above 50gs. Won by Lord Leigh's br m Charming Molley. Sep 12th. Chippingnorton, Oxfordshire. £50 for any
horse that never won above 50gs. Won by Lord Leigh's br m
Charming Molly (1 1), beating Hon Mr Howe's b m
Diana (3 2 1) and one other. |
Pedigrees |
In Cheny's Calendars for 1745,
1746 and 1747 Diana's pedigree is given as: "Diana was got by the
Godolphin Whitefoot". In Cheny 1746 is found the statement that,
"Charming Molly, the Hon Miss Leigh's, ... is full Sister to the
before-mentioned Diana". Their pedigree is also stated
indirectly in Sir James Lowther's manuscript Stud Book started in
the mid-1750s (D\Lons\L9\2\4, Cumbria Record Office, Carlisle). Sir
James had a mare described as a full sister to Lord Leigh's Diana
and Molly, and his records indicate that her sire was Whitefoot.
Although the contemporary
records mentioned above clearly state these 3 sisters to have been
sired by Whitefoot, the sire of Lord Leigh's Diana and Charming
Molly is given as Second in the General Stud Book. Mr Weatherby offered the following discussion in his Preface to
Introduction to a General Stud-Book (1791):
"The Editor cannot
persuade himself that this work will be able, in any
considerable degree, to promote the so much wished for purpose
of preserving entire the Pedigrees of our most valuable Horses;
but he feels happy, that it has been in his power, by his own
researches, and the aid of Friends, to correct some few material
errors that have obtained, for a long series of years; of which
he will here only instance Lord Leigh's Diana and Charming
Molly, both connected with some of the best horses, even of the
present day, who, from the authority of Mr Cheney [sic], have
ever been considered and reported as daughters of the Godolphin Whitefoot, whereas (as appears by a certificate under the hand
of the Breeder) they were in reality got by Second. A few modern
alterations have here been obliterated, and the ancient accounts
restored, where there was sufficient reason to believe they had
been incorrectly varied: and many names have also been inserted,
which were originally given by the owners, and dropped by the
purchasers, apparently for no purpose, but which has often
caused confusion."
An Introduction to a
General Stud-Book (1791) gave the following pedigree of these
mares: DIANA (Lord Leigh's) - Mr Hanger, 1740, Own
sister to Charming Molly. CHARMING MOLLY (Ld Leigh's) - Mr Hanger, 1741,
She was own sister to Diana, got by Second, dam (Mr Hanger's brown
mare) by Stanyan's Arabian, out of Gipsey; Gipsey was bred by Sir R Milbanke, and got by King William's No-tongued Barb - Makeless -
Royal Mare.
Two other horses from this
family are also mentioned in this edition: SPANKER -
(Mr Pengree's), 1758, By
Antelope, out of Ld Leigh's Charming Molly. FORTUNE - (Lord G Sutton's), 1762,
got by Blank, out of a full sister to Lord Leigh's Diana.
Diana and Charming Molly in Pick's Turf Register |
Accounts detailing the race
records and pedigrees of Lord Leigh's Diana and Charming Molly were
also written by William Pick in his Turf Register, vol. I
(1803) [p.83]: DIANA (A BROWN MARE -
FOALED IN 1740,) Bred by Mr HANGER, and sold to Lord LEIGH. DIANA was got by Second (son of Childers); her dam was a Brown Mare
of Mr Hanger's. got by the Stanyan Arabian; grandam, called
Gipsey, (bred by Sir Ralph Milbanke) by King William's
no-tongued Barb; great grandam by Makeless, out of a Royal Mare. In 1745, DIANA won the Maiden Plate of £50 at
Guildford, beating 7 others; and 50gs at Burford, beating Mr
Cornwall's Nestgull. In 1746, She won £50 at Warwick, beating Mr Southcote's
Dunkirk, Mr Greville's Sultan, &c. and £50 at Burford,
beating, at four heats, Mr Greville's Grantham, Mr Dutton's Rat,
Lord Portmore's Silverlocks, &c. - The first heat was won by Rat;
and the Judge could not determine weather Diana or Silverlocks was
second; the second heat was won by Grantham, from Diana; the third
heat by Diana from Silverlocks; who also won the fourth from
Grantham. In 1747, She won £50 at Warwick, beating Mr Wass's Jenny
Cameron, Sir Harry Harpur's Merryman, &c and £50 at
Chipping-Norton, beating Mr Wilabore's Bald Peg, and Mr Fugger's
Poker. DIANA was the dam of the Duke of Ancaster's Polly,
(Guardian and Polydamus' dam); of Lord George Sutton's Fortune; of
Sir Charles Sedley's Sophia, (Jessica's dam), all by Blank. --DIANA
was also grandam of Javelin, Polydore, Dido, Little Henry, &c.
Mare, foaled in 1742) also bred by Mr HANGER, and sold to Lord
Leigh. - She was own sister to DIANA. --In 1746, CHARMING MOLLY won
the Maiden Plate of £50 for four-year olds, at Stockbridge, beating
Mr Rogers's (afterwards Lord Portmore's) Highlander, and 6 others.
--In 1747, [p 84] She won £50 at Warwick; 50gs at Lichfield; 70gs at Burford; and £50 at Reading. --In 1748 She won the Gold Cup at
Chester; £50 at Nottingham, beating the famous Babram, at one heat;
£50 at Peterborough, beating Ld Byron's Maidenhead, the Duke of Ancaster's Badger, &c and £50 at Warwick. --In 1749, She won £50 at
Warwick, beating the Duke of Ancaster's Blank, &c also £50 at
Chipping-Norton, beating Mr Howe's Diana and Mr Fisher's Poker.
The General
Stud Book, Volume 1, 5th edition (1891) |
An attempt to decipher the
produce of their dam, of Diana, Charming Molly, and
their sister[s] is given in GSB volume I, 5th edition (1891). |
MARE Bred by Mr HANGER, her dam, Gipsey, by King William's
Barb-without-a-tongue, out of Sir R Milbanke's Makeless
Mare, which was the dam of Hartley's Blind Horse.
1740 |
br f |
Diana, |
by Second |
... Mr Hanger, and sold to Lord Leigh |
1742 |
br f |
Molly, |
by ditto |
... Mr
Hanger, and sold to Lord Leigh |
f |
by ditto |
... Mr Hanger |
1749 |
f |
by Marksman |
... Mr Hanger |
* |
f |
by Whitefoot |
... Mr Hanger |
* Lord Chedworth's Diana, by Whitefoot, was,
according to the Racing Calendar, a sister to Charming
Molly, and may have been this Whitefoot mare. |
DIANA (Lord Leigh's) Bred by Mr. HANGER, in 1740, got by Second, her dam, Mr
Hanger's Brown Mare, by Stanyan's Arabian, out of Gipsey, by
King William's No-tongued Barb.
f |
Polly, |
by Blank |
... Duke of Ancaster |
1757 |
b f |
by Blank |
... Duke of Ancaster |
1761 |
br c |
by Blank |
... Duke of Ancaster |
1762 |
b f |
Fortune, |
by Blank (died in 1768) |
... Lord G.
Sutton |
1764 |
f |
Sophia, |
by Blank |
... Sir C. Sedley |
f |
by Spectator |
... Sir C. Sedley |
(sister to Diana) Bred by Lord LEIGH, in 1742, got by Second, her dam by
Stanyan's Arabian - Gipsy, by King William's Barb without a
tongue - Makeless
1751 |
ch f |
Pretty Polly, |
by Old Starling |
... Lord Rockingham |
1756 |
b c |
Hackney, |
by Cullen Arabian |
... Sir J. Moore |
1758 |
br c |
Spanker, |
by Antelope |
... Mr. Pengree |
Was afterwards sent to Ireland, and had a f. by Bustard, son
of Crab, who was dam of a f. by Coalition colt |
DIANA Bred by Lord CHEDWORTH, in 1737, got by Godolphin Whitefoot.
This pedigree can be traced no further, she has no
descendants in the Stud Book. According to the Racing
Calendar of 1746, p.159, this mare was sister to Charming
1747 |
b c |
Aaron, |
by Whitenose |
... Lord Chedworth |
1751 |
br c |
Bauble, |
by Trifle |
... Lord Chedworth |
1752 |
b f |
Diana, |
by Whitenose |
... Mr. Rogers |
1753 |
ch c |
Dormouse, |
Dormouse |
... Lord Chedworth |
1754 |
ch c |
by Dormouse |
... Lord Chedworth |
WHITEFOOT MARE* Her dam, by Stanyan's Arabian, out of Gipsey, by King
William's Black No-tongued Barb.
c |
by Janus |
... Lord Eglinton |
1757 |
br f |
by Janus |
... Sir J. Lowther |
1758 |
f |
by Dormouse |
... Sir J. Lowther |
1759 |
b c |
by Regulus |
... Sir J. Lowther |
1760 |
b c |
by Mirza |
... Sir J. Lowther |
1762 |
br f |
by Mirza |
... Sir J. Lowther |
1763 |
br c |
by Mirza |
... Sir J. Lowther |
* see note to Stanyan Arabian mare, page 200. |
More Recent
Developments |
Documents that have come to
light since the 1891 edition of the GSB suggest that the produce
records of the Stanyan's Arabian mare and her daughter
Charming Molly are not correct. Papers from the Earl of
Antrim's Stud published by C M Prior in his book The Royal
Studs of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (1935); page
182, give the record of Charming Molly's produce, as follows:
Brown, 1742 Full sister to the late Lord Lee's Diana, got by the
*Godolphin Whitefoot, 14hds, 1 1/2 ins.
§ |
Gr filly |
by Bustard. |
1753 |
B filly |
Bajazet. |
filly was covered in 1757 by Antelope. |
1754 |
B filly |
by Bajazet. |
1756 |
Blk colt |
Highlander, |
and covered by Antelope. |
* Charming Molly was in reality got by Second, as corrected
by Mr Weatherby in his Introduction to the General
Stud-book of 1791, she having been confused with a mare of
the same name belonging to Lord Chedworth].+ § This Bustard filly had in 1757 a ch filly by the
Coalition Colt, and was covered by Antelope. + comment by Mr Prior. |
If the Earl of Antrim's stud
book produce record of Charming Molly is correct, then Sir J
Moore's 1756 b c Hackney, by the Cullen Arabian, cannot have
been her foal. Pond's racing calendar for
1755 also calls into question the attribution of Lord Rockingham's
1751 ch f Pretty Polly, by Old Starling, to Charming Molly;
Pond wrote, "Pretty Poll, three years old, the Marquis of
Rockingham's, was got by Starling; her dam by Second, out of the Dam
of Lord Leigh's Molly and Diana."
Two documents of interest can
be found in the Stratford Record Office: (1) Inventory of Lord
Leigh's horses taken after his death, on Jan 12th, 1749/50,
Stoneleigh Abbey, and (2) a similar list with buyers of his horses,
with prices achieved, dated Jan 29th, same year. While no pedigrees
of the horses are given, some familiar names occur which allows us
to fill out the histories of the horses in question.
A brown mare Diana is
listed as sold to Mr Corker for [22 1 0] and a brown mare Molly,
probably Charming Molly, as sold to Mr Edward Stevens for
[27 6 0].
There was also a brown
Whitefoot mare that was sold for even more money than these two very
well known mares [35 14 0]. She was purchased by Ld Eglintowne
[Eglinton], and it is probable that she was the dam of his bay colt,
by Spinner, mentioned in Pond 1753 & 1754: "The Earl of Eglintowne's
bay Colt, got by Spinner, his Dam by White Foot, against Thomas
Duncomb's Esq; bay Colt, got by Regulus, out of a Roundhead Mare, on
Friday in Easter Week 1755, over the Beacon Course, for
forty Pounds, play or pay, and fifty Guineas bye, wt
nine Stone." Mr Duncomb's colt won - see the ad for Young Regulus in Heber
1755 ("He beat Lord Eglintown's Bay Colt, got by Spinner, a Match
over the Beacon Course at Newmarket in April Meeting, 1755, for
forty Pounds, Play or Pay, and fifty Guineas bye, which was the only
Time he ever started"); Lord Eglinton also raced a "bay horse" 5
years old, later that year, so probably the same. Since the Spinner
colt was born in 1750, it is likely that the Whitefoot mare was in
foal to Spinner when sold to Lord Eglinton.
To support this it can be seen
that a horse named Spinner was also among Lord Leigh's horses
sold in Jan 1750, and that he was sold to Mr Edward Stevens (who
bought Smiling Molly, too) for a small sum [7 7 0]. A note in Cheny's 1746 Calendar identifies this horse as Lord Portmore's
Spinner (that won the Ladies Plate of 80gs at Oxford in 1733):
"Hautboy ... also got Grey Hautboy, Sire of Bay Bolton, Lamprie,
Bell's Painted Lady, and the Dam of the Portmore Spinner, now
Lord Leigh's". The small price for Spinner must be the result
of his age (23) and the fact that he had not proved very successful
in the stud.
The unnamed brown Whitefoot
mare appears to be the Whitefoot Mare entered in GSB, i, 1891 (page
221) who produced 1 foal for Lord Eglinton, followed by 6 for Sir
James Lowther. Sir James Lowther's manuscript stud book
(D\Lons\L9\2\4, Cumbria Record Office, Carlisle) seems to have been
the source of the GSB entry for this mare, since it mentions the
purchase of the 1757 b c by Janus from Lord Eglinton as well as the
births of the succeeding 5 foals exactly as given in GSB; there is
no mention in either of the 1750 Spinner colt.
Diana |
There is one more player in
this confused picture --another mare of the same name - |
Chedworth's DIANA started for 4 prizes, winning the last 3 for hunters, about
200 gs in total |
1743 Aug 30th. Gloucester, Gloucestershire. £50 for aged horses
that never won a King's Plate, nor that had won £50 since
Jan 1st last, 12st, 6yo that since Jan 1st last had not won
a Royal Plate, 11st, and all 5yo 10st 7lb Ld Chedworth's
b m Diana ran (5 5 dr). Race was won by Mr Grisewood's gr h Tom Tinker, aged, ran (4 1 1). Sep 29th. Seven-Downs Course near Burford,
Oxfordshire. 60gs Purse for Hunters
properties of Subscribers. Ld Chedworth's
b m Diana won (4 1 1). |
1744 Sep 26th. Burford, Oxfordshire. 60gs for Hunters properties
of Subscribers. Ld Chedworth's b m Diana, won (1
1). |
1745 Sep 19th. Burford, Oxfordshire. Purse of eighty Guineas were
run for by Hunters. Lord Chedworth's Bay M Diana won
(1 1). |
The only pedigree offered at
the time she raced was: "Diana was got by the Godolphin
Whitefoot..." The reference cited in the entry by GSB, Vol. 1, 1891,
for Lord Chedworth's Diana, to the Racing Calendar of 1746,
p 159, lists the horses racing for Lord Leigh and the Honorable
Miss Leigh, these including "Diana, ...got by the Godolphin
Whitefoot," and "Charming Molly ...full Sister to the
before-mentioned Diana." Lord Chedworth, on the other hand,
had only one horse racing in 1746 (Whitefoot), and that pedigree is
given on page 148. It is clear from an ad in Pond
1757 and several editions of Heber starting in 1758 that Lord
Chedworth owned a Whitefoot mare out of Silverlocks and that he bred
at least one foal from her. According to Lord Godolphin's records as
published by C M Prior in The Royal Studs of the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries (1935) this mare was a 1737 bay, sold to
Mr Poole in 1740. Since Lord Chedworth bred at least 5 or 6 foals
from his Diana, it is possible that she was the 1737 bay mare
by Whitefoot, bred by Lord Godolphin.
To Cover this Season, at Eyford, in Gloucestershire, at 3
Guineas a Mare, and Half a Crown the
Servant, to be paid at the Stable Door, or
when the Mare is taken away. A Brown Bay
Colt, rising 4 Years old [1758 ad], and bred
by Ld Chedworth. He was got by Dormouse, late Sir James Lowther's,
Son of the Godolphin Bay Arabian; his Dam by Whitefoot, his
Grand Dam Old Silver-locks, by the Bald Galloway, his Great
Grand Dam by the Acaster Turk, his Great, Great Grand Dam by
the Sire of Leeds, and his Great, Great, Great Grand Dam by
Spanker, Son of the Darcey Yellow Turk. He is 14 Hands and 3
Inches high, has Strengh [sic] in Proportion, and a Shape
that promises to have been a Racer, but was lamed at a Year
old, therefore not trained, though he walks upright. Good Grass for Mares at 3 Shillings per Week, and well
attended. N. B. Eyford is 3 Miles from Stow on the Wold,
Gloucestershire, 11 from Chipping-Norton, and 8 from
Burford, Oxfordshire. * * * It is being doubted last Year concerning the Truth of
the above Pedigree on the Mare's Side, at Eyford aforesaid,
any one may be satisfied it is true, by
seeing Certificates from the Breeder and
Proprietors of the same Mare, to her being
Ld Chedworth's. [covered at least through 1760] (Pond
1757, Heber 1758, etc.) |
On the other hand, if Diana
was out of the famous mare Silverlocks, it seems strange that
this was not mentioned in Diana's pedigree or those of her
offspring. All contemporary calendars, starting with Heber 1751,
give the following pedigree for "Aaron, Lord Chedworth's,
...was got by White Nose a Son of the Godolphin Arabian, and out of
a mare of his Lordships, called Diana." |
Pick's Turf Register,
vol. I (1803) [p116] gives the following:
AARON (a bay horse - foaled in 1747) Bred by Lord CHEDWORTH; sold to Mr Benjamin ROGERS, and afterwards
to Mr SMITH. AARON was got by Lord Portmore's Whitenose, (sire of Mr Fenwick's
Duchess), out of Lord Chedworth's Diana ...AARON generally
measured under 14 hands. DIANA (dam of AARON) was a Bay Mare, and foaled in 1737.
--She was also bred by Lord CHEDWORTH; and got by Whitefoot, page
64. - In 1743, DIANA won the Hunter's Purse at Burford, beating 7
others. --In 1744, She won 60gs for hunters, at Burford, beating 3
others. --And in 1745, She also won, at the same place, the 80gs
Purse, for hunters, beating 2 others. --DIANA was also the dam of
Mr Rogers's bay mare, Diana, (foaled in 1752) and was own
sister to AARON.
As if there are not already
enough Diana's to confuse us, in Cheny 1747, Lord Chedworth is
recorded as having raced yet another Diana, although she can be
distinguished as a different mare based on age:
1747 May 22nd. Epsom, Surrey. £50 Purse for 5yo Lord Chedworth's
b m Diana ran (2 5 1) in a race won by Mr Keck's
br m Brown Betty (1 1). Sep 17th. Chippingnorton, Oxfordshire. £50 for those that
are neither 7yo, nor had won £20 since Apr 1st, nor had
started for above 50gs. Lord Chedworth's b m Diana,
5yo, won (3 1 1). |
The breeding of this mare
(foaled 1742) was not revealed. |
Pretty Polly and Mr Weatherby |
To return to the pedigree from
Pond 1755: Pretty Poll, three Years old, the Marquis of
Rockingham's, was got by Starling; her Dam by Second, out of the Dam
of Lord Leigh's Molly and Diana. It seems likely that Pond would have described the dam of Pretty
Poll, if she had been a sister to Lord Leigh's Molly and Diana,
as their sister and not as out of their dam.We can only guess,
but perhaps Mr Weatherby saw a certificate of the breeder (Mr Hanger)
involving the Second mare (dam of Pretty Poll) and concluded
that she was a full sister to Lord Leigh's Molly and Diana.
Later the compilers of GSB, vol. 1, 1891, perpetuated another error
by following Pick in stating that Pretty Polly was out of Ld
Leigh's Charming Molly, which was not possible, since she was
in Ireland at that time.
Pretty Polly's pedigree
appears in Pick's Turf Register, vol. I (1803) [p 394] as: PRETTY POLLY, (dam of CORIOLANUS) a Chesnut Mare, foaled in
1751, and bred by Lord Rockingham. --She was got by the Duke of
Bolton's Starling, her dam, Charming Molly, (the dam of Sir
J Moore's Hackney*, &c.) by Second, and was own sister to
Lord Leigh's Diana, page 83. * HACKNEY, (a Bay Horse, foaled in 1756) bred by Lord ROCKINGHAM,
and sold to Sir John MOORE, Bart and got by Lord Cullen's Arabian.
Lord Rockingham |
Lord Rockingham owned
a mare called "Bellina" and several items relating to her
have been preserved among his papers in the
Sheffield Archives (WWM/R193). R193/15 is a note from
Dan: Corker, dated at Lichfield 3 Feb 1752, in which he
details the fees arising from a journey to Wentworth House
for an in-foal mare received from John Hawkes.
R193/21 is a letter from Gabriel Hanger regarding this same
My Lord Your servant came to me in London to know the Pedigree of a
Mare I sold to Mr Hawks of Staffordshire which I could not
then recollect. He bought two of me both got by Second, Out
of my Brown Mare which was got by Stanyan's Arabian at
Hampton Court, out of Gipsey, who was bred by Sr Ralph
Millbank and was got by King William's Black barb wthout a
Tongue out of Sr Ralph's black Mare who was bred by Mr Darcy
and was got by Makeless out of one of his best Royall Mares.
The Oldest is 5 years old & the Brown one 4 this Grass. If
your Lordship has occasion for another filly I have a very
fine one out of the same Mare & got by Marksman a Son of
Lord Godolphins Arabian 3 years old now, as promising as any
thing can be which I intend to dispose of as I understand /
nothing about training. I sold three fillys out of this same
mare to the late Lord Leigh two of which proved so good that
my Lord told me he was offerr'd five hundred pounds for them
I mention this only for your Lordship information of the
breed. The three filly's were got by Whitefoot. I am your Lordships / Most Obedient and Very / Humble
Servant Dryffield [near] Cirencester In Glostersher June 17th 1752 Gabl Hanger
R193/50 is a sheet of
paper, labeled "Bellina", including what appears to be a
description of this mare:
A ^ Bay ^ filly rising five 14 hands 2 [a fraction] got by
Second out of the Dam of Ld Lee's Molly & Diana, bred at
Hampton Court got by Stanyer's Arabian. Her dam by the Black
tongueless Barb of King William's - great grandam Gipsy Sr
Ralph Milbanke's got by Mackeless. - dam of Hartleys Blind
Horse & Othello. Drogheda / in foal by old Starling price
120 G
If written early in
1752, as were the other 2 items, the resulting foal would
have been Pretty Polly (1752). |
Conclusions |
From all this analysis it seems odd that no one
prior to 1791, and Mr Weatherby's discovery,
knew that the pedigree of Diana and Charming Molly was
wrong. It is perplexing that the sire of Diana and
Charming Molly remained uncorrected three years in a row in
Cheny's calendars. It also seems unlikely that Sir James Lowther and
the Earl of Antrim did not know the pedigrees of their own mares. According to the evidence in
early records discussed here it can be concluded:
(1) The dam of
Ld Leigh's Diana and Charming Molly had the
following offspring: |
1740 br f Diana, by
Whitefoot (Ld Leigh's) |
1742 br f Charming Molly,
by Whitefoot (Ld Leigh's, later Ld Antrim's) |
----- br f by Whitefoot (sold
from Ld Leigh's Stud to Ld Eglinton, Jan 1749; later Sir
James Lowther's) |
1747 b f Bellina, by Second (sold from
Mr Hawks to Ld Rockingham, in foal to Starling, 1752) |
1748 br f by Second (Mr Hawks) |
1749 f by Marksman |
(2) There is no
evidence that Ld Chedworth's Diana is from this family -
there is only coincidence of sire (Whitefoot) and name
(Diana). |
© Miodrag Milovanovic
and A J Hibbard |