Family A33 

American Families

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14
A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 A37 A38 A39

BRILLIANT MARE (f Brilliant [Burwell's])
     Arion Mare (f Arion [Thornton's])
          Young Bedford Mare (f Young Bedford [Tayloe's])
               Mary Jones (b f 1827 Kosciusko)
                    Arian (b f 1834 Trumpator)
                         Romance (b f 1839 Sir Leslie)
                              Carrie D. (b f Don Juan)
                                   Kate Walker (br f 1868 Lexington [Embry's])
                                        Ann Fief (br f 1876 Alarm)
                                        |    Tremont (bl c 1884 Virgil) Juvenile S, Great Post S, Atlantic S, Tyro S
                                        |     Aurania (b f 1886 Virgil) Spring S, Hunter H
                                        |         Hammock (bl f 1897 Hanover) Holly S
                                        |         Chrysitis (b f 1902 Golden Garter*) Astoria S, Willow H
                                        Bend Or (b c 1878 Buckden*)
                                        Hattie D. H. (b f 1883 Buckden*) Gaston Hotel S
                                        |    Pattie Black (br f 1902 Wagner*)
                                        |         Peep O' Dawn (dkb f 1914 Peep O' Day*)
                                        Leather Breeches (ch c 1925 Damrosch)
                                        Gastador (dkb c 1926 Leonardo)

Mary Jones

The family descends from Mary Jones, bred in South Carolina and later owned by Dr E Warfield of The Meadows in Fayette County, Kentucky.