Family c37 

Colonial Families

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CLEODORA (f Hector* [Arabian])
      Roan Kit (f Stride*)
            Princess (ch f 18-- Gratis*)
                  Symphony (b f 1847 Trumpet* or Slender)
                  |     Lacenfeed (ch f 1865 Towton*)
                  |           Roseneath (ch f 1879 Leolinus*)
                  |                 Culverin (gr f 1891 Son-of-a-Gun) CJC Great Easter H
                  Cassandra (ch f 1854 Priam)
                  |     Opera (ch f 1860 Il Barbiere) CJC NZ Derby S
                  |           Tambourini (b g 1868 Towton*) CJC JC H, Canterbury Cup, Wellington Cup
                  |     Occult (ch f 1862 Towton*)
                  |           Aconite (ch f 1873 Derby)
                  |                 Rangipo (b f 1879 Pacific*)
                  |                       Rangiao (ch f 1902 Gold Reef*)
                  |                             Hula Girl (ch f 1919 Demosthenes*)
                  |                                   Refresher (b c 1926 Tea Tray*) Waikato Cup
                  |                 Acone (ch g 1890 St Leger*) AuRC Easter H
                  |     Discretion (ch f 1864 Towton*)
                  |           Resolution (b c 1872 Pacific*) Taranaki Cup, Wanganui Cup (2)
                  |           Queen of the Vale (b f 1873 Pacific*)
                  |                 Kupengu (b g 1887 Piscatorious) WeRC Thompson H
                  |           Clematis (rn f 1874 Clymeneus)
                  |                 Creeper (rn f 1886 St Leger*)
                  |                       Cling (b f 1905 Day Star)
                  |                             Chesire Creeper (b f 1911 Cheshire*)
                  |                                   Crepitation (b f 1920 Syntax)
                  |                                         Carfex (b c 1929 Nigger Minstrel) Taranaki Cup
                  |                                   Bisox (b f 1922 Bisogne) Avondale Cup, CJC Winter Cup
                  Ada (ch f 1856 St Aubyn*) CJC NZ Derby S
                  |     Danebury (ch c 1873 Traducer*) AuRC GN Derby, CJC Champagne S
                  Regina (rn f 1860 Riddlesworth*)
                        Princess Mary (rn f 1871 Ravensworth*)
                              The Administrator (rn c 1879 Premier) AuRC Easter H (DH)
Bred in New South Wales, her family was successful in the early days of New Zealand racing. She had fourteen recorded foals and was the ancestress of at least fifteen stakes winners. Many early family members appeared to be "roan" and although this colour has now disappeared, scattered white hairs persisted in coats for generations.